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Everything posted by Shell

  1. aww thanks jimbo and well done to you too!... 6 months is great, do you still have cravings? and i have question for you, or anyone else who's quit... Did you get sick?? Cos seriously....within one week of quitting I got a fluey head cold type thing - had to take a day off work... then it seemed to get *a bit* better and then last Friday it came back REALLY bad and I had heaps runny nose and got a cough so bad that I almost lost my voice After talking to a couple of guys at work who have quit, they're all like "oh yeah, you get really sick" I feel like I've had the flu for about a month now and I'm not the type that usually gets sick ever! SkyGTRline & Frink.. well done!!! GO TEAM! I'll be checking back to make sure you haven't caved in!!
  2. I saw that in phillip too!! and I saw you too but you werent looking! also saw the other car that looks like yours but not with blue plates... he was parking outside Babar and appears to be BLIND haha (jokes) ...cos I was stuck in the traffic right next to you as you were parking and getting out of your car and you didnt even notice also spotted gunmetal R32 go past BP phillip and a black R33 in the Ampol Kambah
  3. haha thought there couldnt be too many Toms with yellow R34's...i know Monique through work & we did the invites for them
  4. thanks everyone!! Veilside, I probably smoked about 2 packs a week (of 40's). I know it doesnt sound as much as some, but i'd been smoking for over 10yrs so it was still hard The reason I quit was totally out of the blue... I just got the shits one night about having to pay $17 for ciggies at a servo (the only thing open when i finish work) and i was having a pov week and wasn't even sure if I HAD $17 in by bank account... so I thought fck it! I'd never tried to quit before, I had always thought I will do it "one day" - so that night I decided that it was time! this is SO TRUE... you gotta have it happen like I did where you actually WANT to quit and you're only doing it for your own reasons.I didn't even tell anyone for the 1st week.
  5. oooh very nice did your friend tom just get married by any chance?
  6. Elias, clerks 2"shake and bake!!"
  7. well I have finally done it!! I'm sooo proud of myself!!! It's been about 5 weeks so far and I've been through all the hard tests like drinking alcohol, and sitting around (at BBQs, pubs etc) while other people are smoking. So, has anyone else here quit?? How long did you smoke for and how did you go about giving it up?
  8. hahaaaa(what are DB's??) well I've been told I better be coming... so count me in then! As long as it doesnt start too early....... I think the best idea is to just pick a date... I reckon Saturday 2nd Dec looks good, any later into December and ppl have xmas parties and shit. *EDIT* crap trident sorry I didnt see your post.. ok what about Saturday 9th December??
  9. sorry didnt see you! ... i think I was fiddling with my ipod cos i knew it'd take a while for my arrow to change..
  10. haha poster girl i don't think so!!! wow... thread from the dead, and yeah Richard I've been around since the beginning of this website (i even thought of the name 'skylines australia' haha so there's my claim to fame). good to see so many people in the ACT section now!! it was a bit sad and lonely back when this thread was started!
  11. you're sposed to do a new one. oh well, my go then "Stick your drink up your arse, Tania. I'd rather swallow razor blades than have a drink with you."
  12. hahahaaaaaa "is something wrong with my engine??" SPEWING i forgot to take my phone, could've done with that coffee after waking up too early(for me!) for the start of bathurst
  13. yay to clowns and GO FORD!!!!!! what a great race... good on the officials for not putting out the safety car and letting clowns/kelly do a proper race to the end...was holding my breath for the last few laps though.
  14. haha what if I run amok too?? oh hang on... i'm driving
  15. such little faith!!and you're so right, the meals are huge there.. i've only been there once and that's all I remember.. pfft weak!! broken ankle doesnt stop you being hungry! come along anyway and get a lift if you can't drive cos of the ankle, i can give you one if you're on the southside.
  16. count me in! beau i could probably give u a lift if you needed, same for anyone else on the southside..
  17. happy birthday richard (I am always late, sorry!) hope you had a good day!!
  18. Beau, i might try to come along, although it feels a bit strange since I've never met you depends where you live!! and if i can get there from Kambah.. I'll pm you..
  19. sounds good.. friday nights suit me
  20. that's my work
  21. spotted some guys driving on Copeland Drive.. I think it was on sunday (??), maybe going on a cruise or something.. there was an R33 first with a cf bonnet and then about 5 other cars... rex, silvias n others.. i just waved at everyone lol
  22. haha love your sig R3sp3ct!!
  23. we can't use those brackets... for some reason it will let people sign up with them, but when changing names in the admin section we can't use [ ] | ; ,what about -GODZLA- ?
  24. haha.. why the "being female" comment about going for the Storm? I'm going for them too are you saying we have no idea?? lol "love actually" is on the other channel yay!
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