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Everything posted by Shell

  1. for resale value, i don't think matters all that much, cos everyone has a fave colour and you can't please everyone. OK, there were ppl who didn't want the wine red, but then there were prolly other ppl who particularly wanted the wine red, and wouldn't even consider white/black/gunmetal... just gotta wait for the right buyer I guess midnight purple, or yellow rocks don't really like the gunmetal or the 2-tone..
  2. Suncorp do pay-by-the-month...I'm with them. Pay by the month is awesome, I get it automatically taken out of my bank account, and to be honest i hardly even notice it - better than getting a huge bill once a year If you're buying a car already in Australia, you shouldn't need to worry about compliance plates - it should already have them. Registration depends...it's different in each state so i can't really answer for what the rules are in NSW. I would allow $1000...because as well as rego, you will have to pay stamp duty when you put in in your name. How many Litres per 100km? Heh...well it's a performance turbo car don't expect this to be good. I have nfi what I get...
  3. I have 140,000 kms....bought it with 88,000kms....have never had a problem with it - ever.
  4. there is ALWAYS someone on these forums who's just had their skyline stolen...or their friend/cousin/whatever... they are very attractive to thieves, especially modded ones which are often found dumped ..... minus the 18's and all performance parts (especially bits they can sell easily). depends where you live also...Sydney is bad
  5. a5h: it should be changed for you shortly... as for the email...NO! are you coming to the rally on Sunday?
  6. will keep a look out for ya Mick! you've come here to check out Floriade haven't you hehe
  7. yeah, it's just us execs and committee members at this stage...as well as some of the mod/admin people
  8. SAU QLD is VERY close to being ready to take members i believe...so it might be worthwhile waiting to join them, if that's where you're most likely to head to for cruises & stuff. Most NSW events are based around Sydney... so it's up to you I guess
  9. '88 Laser...sold it to a little old lady she brought a male friend along to check it out, and he commented how it had good tread.... the tyres were nearly bald!! I just agreed and kept my mouth shut lol I used to still see it heaps after i sold it cos she worked at a Harvey Norman near my work She even left the surfie sticker i had on it lol
  10. hahaa.. no it works.. really!! even tho i know the clock's fast, i still see the time and try to get ready by it... and also there's always a few things you forget to do before u rush out the door, so that extra time means u can do it and still be on time.. well that's my warped logic anyways
  11. as long as it makes sense then it's all good... i tend to type in all lower case, and also not in "proper" sentences on forums... but you can still read what i'm saying. but when ppl write like 2rismo said: "wot getz me iz wen dey typ lyk dis n it pisses me of... " well, I really cbf trying to work out what they're trying to say half the time
  12. very niiice! :uh-huh: show us the front interior! what model skyline are the seats?
  13. haha never paid that close attention to it really... i never have it on the right time anyway, I put it forward by 5 or 10mins cos I'm always running late
  14. gold badges look all class...i love them on any car! especially black ones. ac1d3o3, yeh sorry about the link not working...i've gotta email Prank and find out what the go is (it's a direct link from the SAU NSW site - doesn't work there either, I've found out)
  15. yeah... but you don't have a stock front bar those GTR-style front bars can be pretty low, i've known a few ppl who have munched them on gutters lol ac1d3o3, can't speak for a series2 but i never have any problems whatsoever with a series1 (stock height, stock front bar).
  16. $49 http://www.justjap.com/parts_in_stock_new3.htm they've also got gold Nissan badges on that page...they look pretty cool! you could try your local Nissan dealer for the red guard badges...they put them on those special edition S15's so they might stock them..
  17. well i don't give a shit if they're becoming common...i still get excited when i see another one And down here there's still not heaps. More than there used to be, but I'd be lucky to see 3 a week (that's normal driving around...you'd see heaps more if you go cutting laps around Braddon on a Friday night ) As for "as common as commondores"...no way! If you're talking every model of commodore, they're like every 3rd car you see!
  18. haha...who ARE those strange ppl??? Edge, there's pics of the 2 stickers on the membership form.. go here if you want to download the form: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/nsw/docs/index.html
  19. yeah, what he said i'm finding it hard to believe this thread isn't bullshit...but good luck to you max.89 if you're for real
  20. No i haven't!! just have to stick with my G4 for now i think...can't afford an upgrade... but i love my iMac a5h: :slap:
  21. I've never done anything too bad in a hire car - but always drive em alot harder than i would if it was my car drove a Baleno around Tassie...gave it a good thrashing because the roads are so much fun and it was winter (non tourist season) so no one else was on the roads. got rear-ended in a Laser...fantastic bumpers on those things, wiped the marks from the other car off and Hertz never knew. got smashed windows on a Pulsar (it got broken into). Took it back and they upgraded me to an auto Camry (YAY FOR ME!!). Had to pay for the windows though, because it was cheaper than the huge insurance excess I would have had to pay
  22. ahh fair enough... i did think after i posted that, that time might be an issue good luck! my only only other suggestion is to try the trading post online, always seems to be a shiteload for sale in there.
  23. considered importing? I'm sure you have....just offering ideas since you know what u want, an importer would probably be able to show you about 10 cars a week to choose from, that fit your specs exactly.. although, not sure if the "minor mods" would have to come off with the new laws... or you could go for stockish and do the minor mods on yourself (a stockish one would prolly only cost u around $15k for a series 1)
  24. haha the "Inter-Net" is a virus?? :bahaha: :bahaha: hmmm anywayz I'm glad I'm on a Mac...dun have to worry about most of these viruses
  25. there are a couple of RAWS workshops listed on the gov site...both in QLD though...but I'm sure it won't be long before more are up and running. but the point is, as long as there at least one, you'll be ok I got my car complianced in QLD.
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