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Everything posted by Shell

  1. Seems the Khana's on next door too.... Reece and Eiji posted on FB
  2. SDMA at Sutton Rd
  3. Going to head out to the Hillclimb tomorrow if anyone's keen!
  4. Tats will be happy to catch up! And me too of course haha
  5. Meet at the bus stop at the end of Hindmarsh? https://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Hindmarsh+Drive,+rivett&hl=en&ll=-35.343608,149.029777&spn=0.004612,0.00927&sll=-35.347449,149.077379&sspn=0.009224,0.018539&hnear=Hindmarsh+Dr,+Australian+Capital+Territory+2611&t=m&z=17&iwloc=A
  6. So next weekend? Me and Tats should be able to make that!
  7. White R33 at Wanniassa shops about an hour ago
  8. If you're on Facebook, feel free to add me, link's in my sig. Yeah looking forward to Wakie.... gonna enter this one!
  9. Oh hang on, I don't have a car hahaha I totes forgot. In with the super Golf lol Hey it's a turbo!
  10. In as long as it's arvo and not morning!
  11. Thanks dude! But all good, going through insurance so they'll cover it all Hi! Nice to see another female on here Canberra is a pretty small place with the car community and I wouldn't say that SAU have many "just Skyline" meets but there's always other events where ppl meet up... Wheels, Marques in the Park, the Hillclimbs, SAUNSW events at Wakie or Sutton Rd, there's other Friday night cruises at Brodburger and other places around town..... I find a lot more local stuff is on Facebook or word of mouth from car mates.
  12. Hahahaha this is gold!
  13. HAHAHA best!!!!!!!! So yeah, just drive normally through a roundabout and you don't have to worry about any of that lol
  14. If you accelerate normally or carefully, your tyres shouldn't spin at all.... that's all I'm saying..... it's when people plant it and don't have a lot of experience. Or perhaps if your tyres are total shit lol. Hahaha YES we need MS paint here!
  15. turbo swirl Usually when people get sideways by accident, it's because it's wet and they haven't learnt trottle control in a powerful rear wheel drive car.
  16. 8.20am... def not me lol Oh and yes I have insurance.
  17. The roo? Yep I sure did.... put in the front seat of the Skyline and drove to emergency at Woden Hospital
  18. Haha I think they're all out to get me.... I've had many near misses since Shepparton. Usually I can see them coming and work out a manouvre but this one came out of nowhere... I think it literally jumped out of the dark to a few cms in front of my car in one leap.... hit it at 80km with no time to brake
  19. I hit a roo Dead centre at the front so the bonnet is all pushed up, grille is smashed, radiator etc etc I can now see under the bonnet from the sides, even though it's closed, cos it curves up LOL
  20. If the front was smashed in, the yellow one might have been me
  21. Spotted a gunmetal R32 on Long Gully Rd about 11am... I think I got a wave and I also waved, maybe a few secs too late
  22. ah sorry I have no idea about overseas races, I thought you just meant Melbs
  23. Most stands are opposite a big screen which keeps you up to date - although some are a bit hard to hear (Clarke stand!). However, you can buy headphone things that double as a protector of your ear drums and also have the commentary. They are around $50. These things:
  24. Tops effort, cos it's gonna be awesome!!!!! I hear F1 engines ringing in my head already
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