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Ninkasi's Chariot

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  1. Thanks for the info. Sounds like a good place.
  2. Found the site and wanted to know how they were to deal with and overall experiences. Good/Bad/Indifferent. Searched but didn't see anything specific. Thanks in advance.
  3. Cool. I'm thinking apt. Don't want to deal with a house. I'll add those areas to my list of websearch! Next is, driver's licenses and insurance. I have an International License. I am over 30, been licensed for 15 years, no points in last 10. I can print out a record to prove it. Will I need to go thru the whole p-plate thing? And for insurance on a r34 GTR it was about $1300 comp $400 excess from JustCar. This was of course using my driving record here, there I have zero record.
  4. Just for grins, lets say it isn't an object. Okay, upto $500pw.
  5. not sure if this is the right topic or not, but here goes. Moving to Brissy in Dec. Wondering about areas to look for flats. I was told Kangaroo Point is good, but this is from an older bloke (50's). I am not looking for the high school hang out or anything, just a nice area, nice flat, lower crime level, and some sort of night life. Oh and it needs a lockup for the future GTR. I have a million other questions, but will start with this.. Cheers, Ryan
  6. Figured my first post should be in my future home state's section. Moving to Brissy in Dec. Just lurking around trying to find out more info about my future car! I have wanted a Skyline since I first rode in one way back in 97 in Japan. Relocated back to the US and can't get them here. Now I am coming to Oz and this is my chance! Just wanted to say Cheers!
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