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Everything posted by eeiko321

  1. spotted.... White R34 GT-R ..... (possibly non-Vspec) on Cumberland Hwy, south bound around 2:30pm Friday 6/3/09 Between Smithfield and Canley Heights... anybody?
  2. seriously.......you got issue problems dude.... if you were that f**king anal about other people posting.....then why not add "Dont post if you havent deal with them then"? this is a free forum...anyone is free to give any opinion whether its 2 cents or not.... "harden the f**k up" for what?.....coz i commented on your post and perhaps didnt say anything pleasant about your beloved dealer???...... well maybe you need to harden the f**k up....... or if not then perhaps ........shut..... the f**k up?! look im not gonna blow it anymore out of proportion........but remember once again, this is a forum........if you bloody post a thread......and dont want every person to post and want ONLY to hear the things u wana hear......then you shouldnt be posting at all .......
  3. watch for the rear quater pannel guys!!!!!!!!! and if you spot them....post them onto MOVIEmistakes.com!!! lol
  4. i can see your car is very nice........a good example of an exterior mod.... but what i dont understand is....what is the purpose of it? as in creating a fake GT-R?? or trying to make it into something that its not? no offence.....wana hear ur side of it...
  5. true but this way i find is more efficient....... you put it in 1 big thread........ every tom dick and harry with give thier 2 cents to the easy ones.....as usual...you'll have 20 replies but none of them would cover all of them.... ..and leave out the hard ones or real technical ones... this way your more likely to get all your questions.........answered.......
  6. yeah i hear ya buddy......... i think this poster is a bit of a NUT.....if u ask me.... yes dealers are to make money out of you of course.... and sales men..........well u know what they say about them,.....theyd get rid of thier own mothers to get to sell a car...... but i can see where you coming from about promiting a dealer... cause 1.) he got upset the up until the fact i said the cars in the dealer were boring. 2.) i mentioned a more prestegous and reputable dealer... and seemed dissatisfied with my post. lol well its true......check thier website out.... and as an import dealer the cars there are pretty boring as bat shit in my opinion.....
  7. looks like NZMO had this modified? looks like a GT-R or simillar bumper & bonnet but with the rear quater pannel you can easily tell the car is an R34 GT-T
  8. yes YOUR RIGHT! you can tell they are GT-Ts no wonder they dont look quite right.................................then you realise the rear guards arent even flared.......looks like dogs balls to me.................... waste of GT-R badge..............if you ask me........
  9. cause u dont make sense..... First you dissaprove my first post saying that you dont like flashy or "EXOTIC" cars cause you got a family to care for and think about ..... and then u say you like skylines but you just say you dont like flashy cars..... and then you post back saying wtf are u going to do with a GTR cause your a REd p-plater..... Like WTF dude?!........... and plus....what is your purpose of dealing with them?......what are you to buy?
  10. what was the previous owners reason for sale???
  11. yeah i hear ya dude ive driven a Honda Integra Type R a few years ago..... and mate.......what a SACK OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! such garbage really..... sorry to offend honda fans......but its true.......HIGH revs is something you dont want.... some people think its a good thing but it really isnt......feels like a WORN CLUTCH! ive driven a 200sx with a worn clutch and thats EXACTLY how the hondas felt..... your always constantly having to gun it to the floor to even beat anything or accelerate ahead of anything makes you eventually feel like your not running enough power to what your putting down........ anyways, i dont like V8s..and i would probably never buy one.......but id chose that over a Type R any day... but in terms of S2000 of GTS-t...............id go the S2000...... its probably a tad quicker than the GTs-t...... but looks alot better and more original..where every tom dick and his dog has a GTS-t or GT-t or watever the GT.......
  12. ermm a skyline isnt an exotic? and a skyline isnt exactly for YOUR family either........... havent you seen E & Ms?????????????? theyre the jap import dealer with heaps of R34 GT-Rs............. heaps of EVO 8 & 9s............ plenty of RX7 Series 8s hand full of 180sx, silvias etc...... there practically no vans etc thats what i meant if you didnt get what i was trying to imply in the first place
  13. eeiko321


    lol no shit sherlock!
  14. dude if you think thats hard to remember it all....... you should see USA's cars........ toyota in aust only has 9 models for e.g in usa theres like 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our country hasnt SEEN cars! in my opinion......... well the R32 is the older model.......1989 - 1994 .... the Predecessor of the R33...which ran from 1993 - 1998..... and the R34 is the Successor of the R33....1998 - 2003. the "25T" you see doesnt really mean anything..... the "T" stands for turbo.... and obviously "25" ... i still say go the GT-R... because when you buy the GTS-t......you wont help but spend on the car etc......every penny used on that car....may as well be spent on the GT-R
  15. yes DOB in a hoon is a internet based website that targets hoons and to dob them in.......like a forum and they were featured in 'Acurrent Affairs' many years ago.... a mother who got sick and death of seeing hooning was the founder...... anyhow..... you never tell us what area you are in..... and where did it take place? because if its the dodgy south west in sydney area around... Whetheril Park, Cabramatta, Fairfield, Smithfield, St Johns Park, green valley, etc etc etc...... the council has actually set up a Hoons hotline which they have joined forces with the Fairfield City Police..... and you can dob in a hoon....(im guessing its just for that area not the whole of sydney) this was on the news... and it is said that there is a GUARRANTEE that action will be taken for EVERY single call....... i think this is a good idea..........to stop idiots.... but then again....how accurate is it? i mean.......if i hated someone i could jsut try and dob him in and set it up? hmmmmmmmm
  16. i would although im no where near rich... but like i said......i dont wana settle for momo, trust or Nismo when there is brand new GT-R gear knobs...
  17. yeah it depends on who u talk to........ if you talk to a random skyline owner....... obviously hes gonna stick up for thier car...... same goes for hondas.......or if you ask in a honda forum............ well the thing is..........s2000 are BRUTAL for a non turbo 4 cyl........and they are reknowned for that and on the other hand the GTS-T are really nothing to sing a song and dance about... there isnt really anything special about its performance..... for e.g the simiallar induction/CC car i can think of is the Toyota Chaser.... its also a 6cyl 2.5 with a 1JZ-GTE engine (which are reknowned to be one of the BEST inline 6's in the world) & single turbo, RWD but only comes in auto...... those things do LOW 13 SEC!!!! and i think are actually heavier than skylines. anyhow getting back to the figures.... i think its a close call......the HOnda Runs a 176KW @ the motor stock ...and im pretty sure the GTS-T is also around 176 - 178KW @ the motor stock..... but a BIG difference in weight there..... and the extra Nm of torque.......on the GTS-T may or may not make up for it.
  18. yeah but the Gearknob is one of the best looking gear knobs ever......... stock GT-R goods is really unbeatable........ cars like GT-R should stay stock, in my opinion.... all the aspects make it an actual GT-R when your replacing exterior parts & interior parts........i recon your really ruining the genuine look of it. GT-R R34 gear knob is alot better than any NISMO or MOMO gearknob.....
  19. yep... in that case, sounds like your motors, f**ked!........... but a slim chance it can still be your switch..... ok......what you need to do to confirm this....... is to get say a 12 Volt battery............ hook 2 wires coming from each of the (+) & (-) terminals......... you will need to open up your trim....... where the motors wire connects should be a plastic connection latch that connects to the harness from the engine bay.... pull the connection open........ it will show either a male or female side plug......there will be 2 wires inside the plug.... test it by putting (+) on one side and (-) on the other...... this will either make your window go UP.......... or DOWN....... then swap the wires around......... this will make it do the opposite to the previous....... (so there is no positive or negative on the terminals for the motor.....) if that works the motor....then ur switch is f**ked...... simple as that. and if that doesnt do it at all........then your power window motor is definately stuffed! cause what your doing is...... bypassing the battery supply straight to the motor.......avoiding the switch.... let us know how you go. or ask if you got any more questions
  20. sorry to hear but they are, cheap..... it depends on where he is from..... and repairing bodykits isnt that expensive... ive bought a cheap pair of kit from a store simillar to them but they closed down....... the skirts were too long and needed to be cut down & fused back together.... you can use fibreglass repair kits and lots of sanding..... at the end of the day....its just a bit of cheap fibreglass hanging off your car thats painted id say
  21. nice post definate keeper........*ADD FAVOURITE*
  22. hmmm never been there the cars in stock look pretty boring though kinda different to E & M imports on parramatta Rd.... they must be the only dealership with the most exotic sports cars..... but bad price tags
  23. ROFL well if an auto is doing it.....it still may be the ACC valve, O2 senor, vaccume hose issues etc etc etc
  24. well in 2 years time he'd be able to buy an R33 GT-R for cheap insurance is always bad...even for older people....depending on the car... and the suburb reflects it slightly. im about 27...i still find it very hefty. Nothings cheap dude................................
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