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Everything posted by tridentt150v

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbRTEX8G01g Unfortunately only on YT...hence the link only
  2. Not on a Skyline, but on my "who gives a fk" 4wd, I found said cracks so used a CA glue and filler [ok superglue and baking powder but maybe fancier, who knows]. Fan was still going fine many years later when I sold it, inspected when I replaced the HB and it was all still together then, was actually impressed with my cheap arsed fix :), wasn't sure it would last that long, but it was fine.
  3. How much dinero would you spend on a DE? IMO return it to stock, stop trying to mod it for 'powa', it is just not worth it.
  4. 2 years old dude, I doubt it. Go in ebay, there was a guy on there who was getting them done in Singapore (I think), start asking him.
  5. Strange...the one I wanted to share wouldn't show on SAU, but worked fine on another site I frequent? Maybe SAU can do something...an update etc? Its likely this won't only affect music video's.
  6. Is youtube getting a conscience? Seems many links can no longer be cut and pasted now? Many older [previously posted] links/clips are now dead as well?
  7. Some people don't wanna think about bad news 😆
  8. Still working fine, albeit, my 33 doesn't get used as much these days,
  9. Two things I like is my 1/2" Kincrome extendable ratchet...it almost becomes a mini breaker bar. Like this: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=xkh%2fVHXE&id=953B2B7E8DE7A53457BCB5D26859A711B4C486F4&thid=OIP.xkh_VHXE92ssAk6-zhOLAQHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fcontent.speedwaymotors.com%2fProductImages%2f9102107_L1000_a337d49a-5c89-4e2a-8278-21a490fffeb7.jpg&exph=1000&expw=1000&q=1%2f2"+kincrome+extendable+ratchet+pics&simid=608044610952850556&FORM=IRPRST&ck=A2552FAB2C763E7580E19C0723DD33FA&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0 And my 1/2" finger ratchet, really good for undoing tighter nuts after you break the first couple of turns. like this one: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/finger-ratchet-9360576930.html
  10. One thing I will say, its nothing to do with belt tension....unless its that loose its skipping teeth. You need to check that you are using the right marks on all 3.
  11. This needs to go in the Tutorial/FYI section
  12. Yeah, I'm not in ACT, but did do some socializing with them on the odd occasion. I guess we all move on eventually...I still have mine and its registered but hardly gets out these days. Must change that😄
  13. The third photo down looks....like to me like the cylinder had water in it and it sat for a while That would create a rust ring. This would have been removed when the motor was used but would have left a cavity around the bore at the water mark where the rust ring was. You also have a vertical scour mark, this could be a snapped/badly gapped ring or gudgeon pin/circlip issue....you won't know till you pull it apart.
  14. I have my Skyline for a car....and my Dmax for a 4wd. I don't really need another car, so a 4wd for the farm is the go.
  15. Bullbar and winch are my first mods......followed by rims and MT tyres, something 31" or better.
  16. Well I am at least glad that I had a reply/replies!!! proves that there is some chance of survival post apocalypse!!!
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