I once took my car to a reputable workshop with a typed out specific list of what I wanted done and how, I may as well have asked Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. They just did what they wanted, ignored what I'd asked for and then demanded top $$$$ for their crappy work or I didn't get my car back. When I got it back I had to basically redo a lot of their work myself and then get it retuned [their tune form the workshop had knock levels of 120-150, my motor was being killed by those ba#st#rds].
I like it when you get a 'coach'. Last workshop I went to I took my overalls and helped out for the day, we did a few things, installed cams and a dyno tune and I was in on it. I really appreciated Ed letting me do that, plus it freed him up from all the mundane stuff like prepping, cleaning surfaces etc, I did that while he worked on other stuff and occasionally looked over my shoulder bump steering me. And when it was done, I re assembled the bits we'd taken off [which I'm used to anyway].
I hope it works out for you doutsis, a lot of workshops think you are a honeypot and want to milk you for everything while they do shoddy work.