I'm driving along the highway 80-120km/h and every say 90 seconds I here a cchh sound, like the fuel tank is vapourising [but my carbon canister is under the bonnet, not in the boot], or my fuel pump is making a weird sound, I can't quite trace it. It wasn't a particularly hot day either.
If I'm in town and moving through traffic etc I don't hear it.
Nismo pump [nengun] approx. 3-4 months old, so wouldn't think it would be the problem,but.........
Sard fpr, is it returning fuel to the tank?
I am not sure if the car is hesitating or not, I can't really feel it, sometimes you think you do, then other times you think its all in your head!
Now I seem to remember someone else having this sound, but what would I search on? cchh?
Any thoughts???