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Everything posted by cavell

  1. dw you didnt miss much at all
  2. Ey does anyone need a car alarmed installed??? or system, or if you want help with any electronics. I Can do it for you if you like, Im fully qualified and have worked on many Skylines (including my own) installing alarms and many other things electronic, Will come to you if you want and will charge less then a jb or and autobarn, yet still do a good job (probs better then most jb's or autobarns). Give us a PM if you want more info. or have any questions!!! Thanks alot guys hope to hear from you soon.
  3. from the look of it there not going to be anything interesting on it next week. Agree with WOrp3D when it was 30min of my life im never going to get back
  4. to many add's in it
  5. Suprised its been 15min and no skylines yet +1 for us
  6. yes i do love the holiday's to bad i only have a week of them
  7. sounds right.
  8. Nice effort. Atleast it was a simple fix and nuthing serious.
  9. like Samon said take your time and do it properly, is the store your getting it from called Freeway Car Audio?? the actuall hooking up of the motors will be the hardest thing for you to do as u need to get it lined up properly so that it pushes in the right direction and isnt causeing stress on the motor. excels can be a little tricky first time round but generaly there the better of cars to do it on, i have had to do it to cable systems which are not easy at all. as for mounting it (from memory) you wont need any brackets it should be able to go straight underneath the locking arm and mount to the door frame and rod just needs minor bends in it to line up square and things. if you do get stuck just pm me and we can arrange sumthing, even if u just want me to come out and helpe you with the motor mounting or what ever. (wireings generally not to bad with them kits. Good luck with it all hope you get it done and dont run into any snags
  10. ey i wouldnt by one of ebay, no matter how good it looks or sounds if u get it and it doesnt work its going to be massive trouble trying to get money bak or anything for it. there also a brand called CAM that deal with immobilisers/keyless entry, that way you would also be getting an immobiliser as well as keyless entry but will probs set u back about 100-150 for the imobiliser. jb hifi is goign to be your cheapest and most convenient to get being that thers jb's everywere. Ive installed keyles entry into excel's and its not to hard to do, providing you have knowedge of what your doing. if you want though i could come to you and install it(im fully qualified and use to work in car audio) for around $70 depending on how far away you are from me (im in bentleigh area) and it would take round 2-3 hours or so. either way go luck and pm me if you want to get me out to do it or if u want help with it
  11. either would be fine in a R33 2door but it depends on many things that you want like, What music do you listen to, what amp do you have running it, what kind of box are you putting it in, are you going to dynamat it, do you want tight quick hitting bass notes or louder lower hitting but bass but no as tight, do you want to be heard a block away or not??? i have heard alot of 12" type R's and think there really nice sounding subs and would personally go a 12" type R over 10" type R, but it does depend on setup, ie: amps box boot install and eveything like that. i have a 10" rockford T1 but thats a 600WRMS sub unlike the 10" type R being 500WRMS and find that more then enough putting out alot of heavy bass but also being tight, but i also have a PDX1.1000 amp runnign it at 4ohms (to allow me to add second sub l8ta droping it down to 2ohms) i listen to everything from rock/metal to dance/hip,hop and RNB. Best thing is to go and listen to both 10 and 12 inch in a shop and see what you like the sound off (keep in mind that once in a car the dynamics will change) If you have the amps and everything installed in your car you could probly ask them to test it out in your car. hope it helps a bit but it is just my 2cent Good luck with it hope you choose one you like.
  12. like chris said to mant possiblilitys, could be a short in the wires behind the speakers could be you amps are stuffed and going into protection mode could be your hearunit and so on and so on, take it to a car audio place and get it checked (Or a friend that knows about car audio system)
  13. im willing to come out to do it for you. I use to install car alarms for a living and have multiple certificates to say that i am actually able to do them ( not just some of the street installer ), i use to work for Stylyn car audio and have done many alarms in skylines (including my own). give us a call 0422574799, will give u a good price and will come to you if you want.
  14. cavell


    Theres a place in Boronia that does professional triming and has so for about 15 years, i use to work for him and he is good at it, there called Stylyn Car Audio or boronia Motor Trimmers, contact number 97398866
  15. as to doing it yourself lench, i wouldnt i wuld goto either chris or daniel, They know what there doing and if anything does happen to go wrong they would have a much better idea as to how to fix it, it shouldnt take long provideing that it is all wired corrently to being with. Hope you have good luck with it Cavell
  16. Thanks for the offer but yeh dont really need a front bar already got a good conditioned one. its the raer that sum f**ker hit that i need to get fixed
  17. wouldnt hapeen to be selling a rear bar at all?
  18. Rear bar still up for sale???
  19. ey looking for a good conditioned R33 rear bumper. Preferably black in colour and melbourne Pickup. Thanks alot Pm me or SMS me any infor you have on 0422574799 Thanks again Cavell
  20. wouldnt by any chance be selling the rearbar?
  21. im pretty sure there number is the same as befor so if you want there address just give them a call and they will tell you there number is 95685887
  22. its moved to knox, near knox city from memory they still have the same number though cause last time i called them they told me that they have moved. try calling 95684887 and see if they still get it.
  23. thanks wasnt planning on getting it done was just posting up a photo that i had edited for ppl's opinions. and as per comment above this it was a bit more then blending options cause i actualy put the skull and smoke image together. but im just a beginner and i did have a photo that i "tried" to lower but doesnt look very good so didnt bother posting it.and i dont really like the bonnet either that was the first photo i didn then i changed the skull and put it on the side which turned out better
  24. Just added the skull and smoke to the side of my R33 and the some to the bonnet. planning on lowering it next on photoshop (altough i need to get it lowered in real life. what you think??
  25. cavell

    Spotted Thread

    the Front indicators use to be next to the big foggies but i moved it up into were the parklights use to be then changed my parklights to led strips like BLK sz has. my next move it to connect the old indicator spot up to my parklights aswell s the led strip. Not that you asked were they are but ithought i would just let ppl know incase it does help them with figuring out what kinda bar it is:P
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