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Everything posted by mrRS4

  1. At this stage the day wont be going ahead as know one has got back to me about being cool with times etc as we need at least 12 on the rollers to even make it a day. Im also thinking the missus is going to be having bubs before the day aswell.
  2. Yere that would have been me.
  3. Yere no worries Chris. If Adam wants he can have the 8:30 one or a bit later what ever suits him.
  4. November 14th Ill give everyone till next week to get times the prefer otherwise i will give times out. Ill be there from 8:30 aswell so i dont mind a earlier time slot.
  5. Ok guys i got an email from the guy today and has given me this info and a entrant form to fill out. Here is what he sent me Start time for the day will be 8.30 am until 4.30 pm. Your members are welcome to set up a BBQ for your lunch.I can organize a BBQ and gas bottle if required or BYO equipment. You need to organise a cook. Let us know in advance please.We also have a spare fridge for you to keep any meat and or salads in for the BBQ. We have a fully stocked drinks fridge $1.00 /can for Coke ,Lemonade and Solo and also a Free cold filtered water tower. All entry forms will be lodged over the reception counter and paid for at the time.(Cash or eftpos) All vehicles should have between 1/4 to 1/2 tank of fuel or more. All tyres should be in good road usable condition i.e. no worn out tyres with steel belts showing. All vehicles should be checked for oil and coolant levels on the day. We ask that all vehicles are lined up in the outside parking bays facing to the road and Dyno entry door. Lined up in the order of running. Additionally as each vehicle is taken onto the Dyno we ask that the remaining vehicles move up a space.This keeps all vehicles ready to run and pre warmed. NO ENTRANT IS TO ENTER THE DYNO BAY WITHOUT PERMISSION. NO ENTRANT IS TO DRIVE THEIR VEHICLE ON TO OR OFF OF THE DYNO. ALL ENTRANTS WILL ENTER AND EXIT THE PREMISES AND CAR PARK IN A SENSIBLE MANNER. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE POLICE DO PATROL CHAPMAN ROAD AND SOMETIMES ARE IN UNMARKED CARS. Looking forward to meeting your members and having a great day. So if you could please give me your preference on the time you would like between 8:30 and 4:30. Cheers STAGEA_DYNO_DAY_ENTRANT_FORM.doc
  6. Yere defaintly a few stags out on saturday alright spotted about 7 through out out the day. Spotted you on west terrace not sure on time.
  7. yep sounds like what i got done for.
  8. Yere the thing is im sure i wasnt parked illegal i will be checking it out for sure it says i was parked in a permit zone with no permit . Only sign i see was 2 hr parking till 6 so yere bit confused.
  9. Yere was very good night well done madaz and helso for organising the event. Was also very good to meet some more people from the site. It was a shame that i couldnt cruise with those that did for a bit long damn work at 5 today. The only down fall to the night was me getting a damn parking fine.
  10. Yes if there is any one that will be able to bring a camera down for the day would be good so we can record the day. I have also just emailed zoom and HPI magzines and asked if the would be keen on running a feature, so will also keep you all informed on the outcome of that.
  11. Ok i will be sending a email off tonight so this day is going ahead with 10 ppl confirmed as a yes, There is 1 spot left at this stage as 3 people have said they were keen but have not got back to me about the date so hope to hear back from them soon. There are also 2 legnums for us to compete against Cheers guys and girls
  12. So far have 8 as confirmed just need 2 more to book this i have sent a few pms out to those that havent got back to me.
  13. This day is also pending the birth of my 2nd child so at this stage im there but im still happy to organise it, but if it did come to the case is there anyone willing to take it upon them to help out on the day. I mean ill be there to do my run but wont stay the whole day if tne wife is in hospital or needs me at home etc
  14. ok guys we have a list of 11 consisting of 8 stags, 2 legnums and even a liberty wagon. The list is still open as we can have 15 on the day so is still room for 4 more cars the date i have decide on if good for everyone else is November 14th so if everyone can send me a pm to confirm this day is cool with them that would be good, as soon i as i get a yes from everyone i will be able to book this day in. There are three legnums that are maybe they said all depending date so i have sent them pms regarding this date so if they say yes it will end up being 5 legnums and a liberty against us stagea boys so a fair amount of competion for us.
  15. pm sent
  16. Im down in reynella
  17. seen chad (dstroy) today on sturt road near marion shopping center i was crossing the road wasnt in the stag
  18. mrRS4


    I cant say much but go you pies. Was the sweetest game i have seen them play not bad for the youngest team in the top 5 yes we are younger than the crows.
  19. Yere count me in as well.
  20. yere there is mate ur on the list, we also have one legnum as well. We only need 2 more spots filled to make this day happen anyone keen.
  21. Yere seen the same one a fair bit aswell, has also tryed dragging me numerous times.
  22. As i have said to mike i want these on the stag hpefully end of the year start of next i might have a set of these, but i shall be going the ones in gold.
  23. mrRS4


    Be wacthing the game at home with a few mates bbq and drinks. Go Collingwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Looking at this we shouldnt have any problems trying to find peeps for the sa dyno say but we are come on guys, here is a link for info if you havent seen it. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...20#entry4810162
  25. Yere could also be keen on one for the stag.
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