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Everything posted by Luckieee

  1. 13K For a stock manual r33 .. easy to find .. found one for less than 8k..
  2. need something cheap. :]
  3. Heylo, please pm me with your mobile number if u have nay 235/45 17" tyres. thanKx
  4. ANYONE GOT FREE 235/45 TYRES? PREFERABLY MORE THEN 40% TREAD. i'm poor so if any1 wants to get rid of em lemme know ill take em off ur hands
  5. its the fan belt. I asked a mechanic dude, he sed spray some "CRC" Crap on it and it will fix it . Thanks for all your help guys. appreciated
  6. i care? why?
  7. im clueless about cars you in melb you can help me out? Save my piggy bank
  8. yeah happens mostly in the rain, is my car drivable or do i really need to get it fixxeD?
  9. r33 gts, it is a skyline thread isnt it ?
  10. Hi, this has happened a few times now, This time it went on for about 5 minutes straight, I dont know what it is but its really loud and its coming from the engine bay some place.... It only happened when i turned it on, and when i drove for a bit it went away.. it just stops randomly anyone have any idea what it is and how much it costs to fix? :| Thanks
  11. Hi sorry to make another thread, just really need one, also please give me offers, im lookin one for about $60 or so. just pm me your mobile number please. thanKs' need a lower right control arm for r33.
  13. i got tyres changed, f**king beaurepaiars ripped me off to the max, charged me $125 for wheel alighnment - and balancing 2 wheels ==" now i need my control arm fixxed, pretty much,
  14. I NEED A CONTROL ARM FOR THE BOTTOM OF MY CAR, ITS FOR THE RIGHT SIDE, The Mechanic won't do a wheel alignment for me til i get it fixxed. Anyone selling one? If so if your in melbourne i will come pick it up.. Please PM Me your MOBILE NUMBER SO I CAN CALL YOU! THANKS!! Paying under $50 for one!!
  15. I NEED A CONTROL ARM FOR THE BOTTOM OF MY CAR, ITS FOR THE RIGHT SIDE, The Mechanic won't do a wheel alignment for me til i get it fixxed. Anyone selling one? If so if your in melbourne i will come pick it up.. Please PM Me your MOBILE NUMBER SO I CAN CALL YOU! THANKS!! Paying under $50 for one!!
  16. Hey i need new tyres for my 17 rims, current ones i have on are 235'/45s so i need them.m 2 or 4... paying under $100.. kinda broke atm. thanks P/M your number to me and i will call you. No more than 30 minute drive from melbourne CBD Please. Thank you
  17. i looked under the car looks okay, i think its just the alignment, im from melbourne, where can i get cheap alignment done?
  18. i scraped my rim to the max too LOL i hope its the allignment then, but its steering alot lighter, anyone know what it is? :S Also, what about the axle? Few mates of mine say i coulda barred that, also i buckled a rim, can i buy single ones somewhere? I'm in melbourne, IS beaurepairs a good place to go?
  19. ey, it was raining and i hit the gutter and went over it.. there was no external damage however my steering became alot lighter and it wasnt straight, so basically i had to steer right to go straight. anyone know what the problem is and how much it is to fix? Thanks!
  20. ones swap ones for sale..
  21. AFTER A MANUAL BLACK R33. SWAP IT FOR MY PEARL WHITE R33. AUTO. http://www.carsales.com.au/used-cars/priva...;PriceMax=10000
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