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Everything posted by MSTRshenanigans

  1. Maybe goto a different engineer if this one is a douche?
  2. I've got mates at work that don't even play it offline... How on earth can the 360 version look better? lol you must be dreaming or their devs were shit at porting.
  3. PvZ is great! the iPhone version is missing some of the PC features though =(
  4. +++1 For Dan's LED kits I got blue and it makes it look fresh and new.
  5. Hells yeah, or marble madness, Snake Rattle and Roll....
  6. 1. Search in the tutorial section It'll be along the lines of undoing a screw hidden under the ashtray and popping the lower plastic around the gearstick by pushing/pulling up and to the back of the car and pop.
  7. 1 week left of beta checkout SC2 on cdwow.com.au for $57 bucks!
  8. Team game vs Solo heroes
  9. And if they do that they are not behaving like a Police Officer should be and they get in trouble like an unfortunate Constable up my way
  10. She had no leg to stand on excess waived and my insurer recovered. She was a little cougar-like i guess
  11. Firstly, anything defectable 'could' be used to void your policy. 35% transmittance is the legal tint. If you were at fault then hells yeah they would decline your ass. If you were not at fault they may let it slide but warn you about it, i know its how I roll. If you don't change it please don't cry when you hit a car you couldn't see and have your claim declined =P
  12. Arthur - nps dude Cars its different as they can brake heaps quicker so a minor bit of space can make a big difference. Although I have had 1 accident stopped with park brake on and had a retard slam into the back of my car at 80kms.... was f**ked... sending an sms or something then has the gall to tell me my brake lights don't work... lol 2nd was a solicitor, she ran into the back of me in the wet when also stationary with lights on lol
  13. If the truck is going to hit you I doubt any moving forward aside from gunning it would assist, typically if they are able to stop before the line they are slowing already. I just don't see how a truckie could be fanging it so hard in traffic enough that you might need to run the red and react before he slams you. Sounds like a common excuse a constable so-and-so would hear.
  14. ^^^ Mostly correct. 1. If you have Third Party Property Damage up to Full Comp you can lodge a claim (most insurer's come with $5000 to repair your vehicle if uninsured driver causes dmg - with TP and Fire & Theft products), Comprehensive has no limits aside from your sum insured. If they are uninsured they are f'd. 2. If the TP (Third Party) has insurance but you don't you will need to get them to lodge a claim. If they do not no amount of chasing his insurer will do anything as they are legally bound to take no action until he lodges a claim and puts your name to it. Only option you have if they refuse to lodge a claim is seek independant legal advise. The above is given to you with general advise and may or may not apply to the products you hold, if you have any questions or concerns with what product you have, please consult your insurer.
  15. Being in the insurance side of the game you can say that the police car may have contributed to the accident but because there was no one impacting him you are at fault for running up the rear of a stopped car. You are at fault for rubber necking instead of watching the car ahead of you. Any solicitor that claims different would get owned by Insurance Recoveries.
  16. You are more dangerous on the road if you are looking behind you while considering braking. You do not give way to the rear under the road rules. If you stop and anyone runs into the back of you they are at fault. Yes, you do no want your car damaged but that first point should only be used before approaching an intersection even though you should not be accelerating towards an intersection you are supposed to cruise at the speed you are going so braking is safer. Implying the truckie would not be slowing already.
  17. Same, think 3am after a night out on the town (sober) they pulled me over in my 180sx and had me pull the damn thing apart to search for drugs =/
  18. ^^^ What franga said. Just sell it and buy your 180sx, they are cheap as dirt. CA18DET's are pretty thrashed so why not upgrade to SR ^_^
  19. I've done that course years ago for free through AAMI when I was 17. Just shows braking distances and techniques. Not really useful if you have driven for a couple of years unless you're a bad driver...
  20. I've already emailled her. IMHO to future proof drivers' licensing the bes way would be no card and they retinal scan. Revolution = Anarchy; no one wants that stimps lol
  21. Intake laws are more lax here in QLD. Be mindful of that.
  22. Yes putting up with getting owned but don't forget teams raging at your noobness too lol.
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