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Everything posted by MSTRshenanigans

  1. I'm waiting for the next FPS that actually re-instills the joy of FPS back into my cold soul. Thief 2. UT. CS. CoD. AvP2. Gone are the days... btw Halo on a big TV on console made for some good times. Most of the consoles these days suck... Just wait until I get my hands on Wipeout ^_^ CS/DotA are hugely hard to learn online. You really need to LAN with mates and learn.
  2. Graphics don't make the game. The mechanics do. It has better models than HoN though. Personally I stopped playing both now I have access to SC2.
  3. I wouldn't trust most staff that you talk to on the phone(teleclaims/telesales). Only the processing/product/underwriting depts The PDS for JCI states it needs to be to OZ standard, which pretty much every Suncorp brands' PDS states The Aust standard straight from basic info thread: What does a 'Standards approved' immobiliser have? Under the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Vehicle Immobilisers (AS/NZS 4601:1999, amended in 2003), an immobiliser should have: - Automatic immobilisation within 40 seconds of ignition switch-off - Two independent points of immobilisation - Connections enclosed in security housing - All black security wiring - Flashing dashboard LED when system is armed - Secure owner PIN override
  4. Protest letter written and emailled. http://www.thepremier.qld.gov.au/tools/contactform.aspx
  5. Just cars love under 25's Isola: gold!
  6. Yeah Shannon's are cool like that. Have you given Suncorp a call or AMP? There is another group I know of (Recoveries shenanigans).... can't think of their name. First car does make it hard BUUUUUT you have been driving all these years ie had a license, no accidents etc?
  7. INCORRECT... AAMI and Just Cars and Shannons and Vero and APIA are all part of Promina... which is owned by Suncorp. AAMI(just like NRMA) does not insure grey imports. Trust me I am a shareholder. Brandon - I'll scan my certificate for you. PS how old are you and your driving history these will all affect you When stating your premiums you should probably mention your suburb too. Mine's Toowoomba. Thus my premiums are typically around $100-200 cheaper than Brisbane.
  8. Even though Suncorp owns Just Car and Shannons have you tried them for a quote too? R33 GTST with Just Car was $1400 at 25 with perfect history in Toowoomba. Suncorp quoted $690 at the time iirc
  9. Well the game is announced for July... Enjoy the beta while it lasts... won't be around for much longer
  10. Hahah yes!!! LOL - could do!
  11. I'd go the R34, basically because its newer (wingdings) and will hold its value for longer. R33 GTST is a good solid car. I have had 0 problems with mine and there are plenty of parts out there thanks to idiots thrashing and crashing them. You should only have to pay 13k-16k for one. Max an insurer would pay for a mint R33 GTST is 16k, I know because mine was valued at that by assessor.
  12. Sweet as, I got the hint that it was 55w but I wasn't 100% and the threads were ancient...
  13. Considering you can only do 1 summon then fight a couple of times to recharge your technique to 3 points so you can cast again.... I normally save it for boss fights...
  14. Exactly, its all it was.. watching it in 2D is like watching a dvd on a 30cm CTV.... cough cough 300 was great for the action, what more do you expect of Spartans?
  15. I'm enjoying being able to see and run from encounters where needed!
  16. There are heaps of scattered threads with snippits but nothing 100% I've been looking at some headlights and want to know if anyone else has used them and are they direct fit? http://www.powerbulbs.com/product_detail.asp?prod=13 PHILIPS BLUE VISION H1 4000K XENON/HID EFFECT THESE BULBS ARE SOLD IN A PACK OF TWO. New and improved - UltraBlue 4000K Colour Temperature Distinctive daylight from blue lamp A unique blue filter creates the distinctive blue light UV blocked-compatible with plastic headlight lenses components Quartz glass construction for ultimate performance 12v 55w I've read 55 watts is ok amperage so it won't heat up too much and damage your lense?
  17. Avatar's not THAT bad... its the same old story... boy meets girl, boy overcomes challenge, boy gets girl... Pocahontas anyone? The 3D was pretty I just wish they made 300 in 3D...
  18. Sorry to dig this one up but I'll give them a call tomorrow - thanks heaps! The dudes who said they might be able to in tba did work on a friend of a friends car and f'd it... so im hesitant about them now :S
  19. FYI a work colleague, motor vehicle assessor, told me that my R33 GTST 1997 S2 is worth $16,000 market value under the company I work for... Not bad for full comp @ <$800 a year premiums... xs $1150. Yes they insure WA under a couple of brands. Sounds like you have a problem dude, I'd say maybe do a stake out, do they come during random parts of the week, weekends? If you can get the plates you can report them to the police. Good option is parking your car in the garage and parking another car in the way though.
  20. I'd take the 911, sell it and buy a nice GTR
  21. Try waiting 2 months for parts to come wrong 3 times from Japan, only to be told they had to put it on paper and draw it and take measurements to send instead...
  22. PCD? Width?
  23. Whats the name of your place, where are you located, do you have a website?
  24. I've watched a bit of the in game action. Reminds me of the fast paced business of SC:BW. I'll need to upgrade my eye to brain connection to handle it
  25. I was gonna say if you want the full deal go telstra or optus.... OR for phone go internode + nodephone and get cable either separate or watch webtv lol
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