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Everything posted by MSTRshenanigans

  1. He might be getting investigated OR not provided documentation required for a total loss. 9/10 any delays on a total loss claim outside of 10 work days is the customers fault.
  2. Ok so I put in another hour or so today and now I have 2 summons. The fights to get them spun me out, very different to FF8/FF9! Getting more variety which is cool
  3. DotA vs LoL vs HoN Please see link
  4. Ok so it arrived yesterday and I got in about 4 hours or so... It seemed rather linear the whole time however it moved you to where you needed to go for all the cinematic experience and to familiarise you with the world, the fighting and mobs on the path etc. At hour 3-4 I became a l'Cie... suddenly combat got fun then by the 4th hour they added Paradigms. I dunno what people are whinging about I am quite happy with the eye candy and baby steps into the world. You can tell they are slowly increasing difficulty as they push you into the story...
  5. I do pretty much the same... you can get a pump for about $10-15 from supercheap or repco... I think the only difference was I didn't need to top it up after trying all the gears and then didn't either after a quick drive. Good work dude
  6. not offended, in all honesty don't have time for one. Howver I had been sharing videos of my exploits through last year... None recently have been down with video for some reason lol
  7. Is there any major changes in the FF series that will be evident in FF13? I havent played it since FF9
  8. I run a hardware firewall but my software firewall runs many rules for applications on my pc for in/out bw. Plus it does the runtime protect which is great
  9. QFT - best free vscanner I have ever used and I have been using for nearly 4 years with 0 problems uncleaned... I use it with Comodo firewall... for security firewall and added protection runtime
  10. No way, console gaming is hardcore too (dependent on game)... I have owned a NES, GB, NDS, GA, Megadrive, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox, PS3... I also have owned a PC since 1988 - a Cleveland XT... I prefer PC but gaming has been huge for retro gamers on consoles... I used to play competitive CS, CSS, DotA, SC, CoD in obviously their own leagues... The only games that are pure win on PC over console are FPS and Strategy games... Mouse has way better control than a knob... Especially when you are rolling a Xbox360 or PS3 controller vs a Logitech MX series when it comes to their dpi/sensitivity
  11. 2007 co-incidentally had the highest toll in 10 years (since 1996 (385)) at 360... A big enough random spike... Your random statistics are made up... Qld Road Toll This shows the trend for qld specifically Drink driving statistics I've gotta get ahold of the data I had for QLD/nationally but here is an example of how high the toll is in VIC http://www.transport.qld.gov.au/resources/...iew_mar2010.pdf This is the study from 2008-2009 for road tolls... Shows funily enough its the 25-59 brackets that die the most... There was a chart straight off the BoS that shows the %... was in the sunday mail 3-4 weeks ago... something like 28% was speeding and 20% was drink driving offenses... Problem being I am STILL waiting for them to send me a copy of the breakdown for an article I am writing... I believe you will find the % of fines made for offenses of <15km over will be very high
  12. In all likelihood they will not know until the letter arrives in the mail. Not that I condone speeding I just don't believe that this is the way to fix the problem. They claim it all for the road toll but if you actually look at the % for fatalities on QLD roads its quite... sobering =P
  13. Best bet would be http://www.babelfish.com/ - use your website in english
  14. Ummm.... in QLD he can drive a stock turbo'd skyline. EDIT: wait I just read the newish P-plate laws... el oh el http://www.transport.qld.gov.au/resources/...ns_brochure.pdf
  15. Rampage from the first day he was added, got charge up and he ran through trees and up some cliffs.... was gay to the max... Thing that also annoys me about HoN is some minor price changes, miss being able to perfect counting my builds...its differences to dota make it less a team competitive game imho. LoL finds the team play crucial to win 90%of games. Scout needs to be remade.... I mean stealth that tics down mana is silly, use the cast amount ffs! Wards for free that silence. Break stealth for attack speed. disarm/crit in 1 skill... slow and nuke in ulti... he's so OP...
  16. Same here in QLD, 2 sets of expiries Turning 18 doesnt make you able to drink alcohol or smoke or read porn any better lol OP - imho I'd just take it on the chin but you could pay the extra $50 and wait until SPUR contacts you cause you haven't paid the fine to see if the didn't cock up and give you their copy
  17. Only if you have plenty of $$$ to keep paying excesses!
  18. Didn't they have some ludicrous chance of critical failure... like 15% or something?
  19. Installed it last night. DX11 didn't like me either but DX9 works fine. Enjoying the alien campaign!
  20. Vote - can see you are in the top 3 by the looks
  21. Quoted for truth - easiest way for any car to be written off unfortunately.
  22. I still fondly remember when my mate's first xbox 360 had the red lights of death.... and in the middle of a mad Gears of War session.
  23. I have one but unsure when the hoon laws came in, what was the date?
  24. Mine is fat 40GB and doesn't have this error... I have not updated mine in a while though...
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