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About ShiftyTys

  • Birthday 26/03/1987

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    Bentleigh East

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    R33 GTST S2
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  1. Except that the price of skylines have skyrocketed in Aus. But yeh, I getcha. I still want her back ofc
  2. I don't know why people keep saying parts. Surely the sum of the parts are greater than its whole these days given their renewed value? Or are these morons so stupid they just think "duh parts duhh"?
  3. None, the police don't seem to be looking. Do I chase them up? I just got a link today to send them the CCTV footage.
  4. Hi Friends, At 445am this morning 27/08 my Silver R33 GTS-T was stolen out of my driveway. It was hooked up to the back of a big ute / truck thing and pulled away.... My front door camera was very very dark but you can make out someone fiddling for ages at the front, then rolling it to the back of a big vehicle off camera, and then being pulled away. REGO - WCB 666 Silver, r33 GTST. photos attached. Please let me know if anyone spots it... (perp vehicle passing my house and doing a u-turn to wait just off camera - video attached) It has an alarm / immobilizer but of course the battery was flat because I hadn't driven it in ages. I took it out of the garage to clean the garage and didn't put it back because i was investigating putting it into a wilsons storage etc. So i thought what was the point jumping it to move it if im just going to have to do it again soon to move it into storage..... sigh. please help all, many many thanks. Thank you. Perp car.mp4
  5. Is this still available? Thanks.
  6. Maybe me? Tootal is my daily to work. And I think I was out and about that day. Look like mine?
  7. OK guys big delay sorry was busy as hell. Even though the room fuse didn't appear blown I swapped it anyway. And problem solved. Is it possible for a fuse to blow higher up where you can't see? I personally have never seen this. I put the old one back in in case it wasn't seated correctly etc and the lights stopped working again. Very odd. So for now I'm calling this one fixed! Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
  8. Thanks for the response. I have tried door and on. Dome still dull. When I swapped back to the old globes they were still dull. The map lights only fit one way and the dome light doesn't power when the wrong way. The LEDs were absolutely bright and perfect. Until they flickered and stayed dull on installation of the 3rd and final led (lhs map light). In case they all got cooked at once I put the boot led into the dome slot as they are the same and I hadn't installed the boot one yet. And they were still dull. Only thing left is to swap the "room" fuse. As you said. Cheap and easy to do. I'll report back once that is done. CHEERS!
  9. Sorry for the delay but all the obvious stuff like switching, removing, replacing etc has all been tried. Is it possible a fuse is bad. Even though it looks in tact could it still be "bad"? Thanks
  10. OK took the LED's out one by one and put them back in in different orders etc still no good. Same symptoms. I then put in the spare dome / boot LED that hasn't been taken out of the box yet to see if perhaps I just buggered all the LEDs at once and the fresh globe is still ultra dull like the rest. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  11. Ok, Didn't actually have a chance this morning, however i noticed all my radio stations had been reset. Could this be a result of what happened, or because i pulled the fuse out? Thanks.
  12. Hi. Thanks for the reply. They are 12v designed as a direct replacement. I did start the car to see if the brightness returned but to no avail. I have swapped and removed the map light but not the dome.I'm well aware that these should have bugger all draw. That's why I'm surprised! My concern is more that it was fine with 2. On my attempt of the third globe it made everything dull. Even after removing the third globe again. Like I'd caused damage (why I thought fuse) Will do it in the morning and advise. Appreciate it!
  13. Hi all, I just ordered replacement globe kit for the interior of my R33 - it comes with boot, dome, and both map light globes in LED. Put the dome in no issue, nice and bright all is well. Put the drivers side map light in, (pain in the butt to be honest, big hand tiny space etc) all good nice and bright. as i place the passenger side one in, I think I half pressed the button with a knuckle, and then all of a sudden the dome light went to about 1/10 brightness. I tried the already installed drivers side map light and same thing 1/10 what it was. I finally got the other globe in. And this is what i get: - When one map light is on (1/10 brightness) and I switch the other one on, the brightness drops even further - I can toggle between left and right sides, and no matter which way i do it, 2 on gives less output than an individual one on. - When the dome light is on NEITHER map light powers on at all. First thing i thought was fuse, even though I figured they shouldn't work AT ALL if i blew a fuse but i thought I would check anyway. I have only check the ones under the steering wheel so far (electrics - both, and room) they seem intact (the little loop between the 2 sides of the fuse was in tact so that would mean it hasn't blown? - please correct if wrong) Have any of you guys n gals seen this before? Please Help!! Thanks in advance for your time! Tys
  14. Yeah That's my thought. As it is back again., You haven't seen a gauge go before? Or begin to show signs of going by flickering? Couldn't check last night as it was raining heavily.
  15. Thanks heaps for the assist. Ill have a check under there tonight. Although funnily enough the trip to work this morning has has no flicker... this is after it constantly doing it the last fortnight. *sigh* Ill still check though.
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