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Everything posted by ShiftyTys

  1. Also link doesn't work.
  2. Avo turboworld. Can the actuator effect how it comes on boost? They Jed an avo one not a garret one.
  3. Got boost vs power. Vs a gt3540 boost vs power chart. Will post in a few
  4. Hmm interesting. I'm waiting for this bloody boost vs rpm graph to be email to me. Hopefully shed some light.
  5. Mini-meet incheltenham area tonight (if it doesn't rain) for those who want to feel the gtx3076 and offer this member a hand? A real world one. Not a one picture on a forum hand. Not undermining the advice (trust me I value all.thoughts and opinions but I'm hoping there is something more to this Turbo in real life than on paper) Thoughts?
  6. That doesn't come with antisurge comp housing does it. U wouldn't go 3076.63?
  7. Isn't a good 1/4 a good street dragger?
  8. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/55845-rb25-turbo-upgrade-all-dyno-results/page__st__680 Post 694. That's pretty good isnt it? 3071 with. 82. Probably too easily swayed by people.on here. I may have an oppurtimty to swap stuff around. If I'm looking for same power. Less lag. What's the choice. Gt3076. 63? .82? Gt3071.82. Gt3071.63(seems a Tad small) Wich one. What are ur thoughts between the above. Vs staying.with what I have.
  9. In that link I struggled to.find gt3071. Perhaps under a different name Turbo? I wonder if avo will allow a change of mind policy under 3 days after getting it. Is a .82 3071 really that much laggier over a .63. Is it reasonable.considering the little.bit more top end ill get? Yes. I stopped at that figure cost of internals. I'm just trying to gauge were to go from here.
  10. Is a gt3076 really that Mich laggier then the 71. Compared to what I have now. Wont a 76 still be an improvement. Or perhaps a .82 on a 3071?
  11. And what housing with the 3071? Hey they used an avo actuator not garret. Would that make a dif?
  12. I can't afford it. Remove sell buy install tune. Cost too much.
  13. I know that lol. I also say goodbye to my 350. I'm saying if I can shave a few hundred rpm off this current setup (messing with timings etc) I'd go from 95% happy to 100% That's a fair point. Look, im gonna tough this one out. Its still amazing to drive. I need to.tweak the tune/rest of my setup to find a sweet spot for this Turbo. Everyone else keeps talking and hasn't done anything yet so its hard for me to compare notes.
  14. I'm still really happy with the way it turned out. If I could shave 300rpm of I'd be extatic. Yeh doing internals. Can I ask how avo got such a bad wrap? They have been in the business for ages. Who here has actually used them n was not happy?
  15. I'm going to end up at 350 Ish. That's why I didn't got gt3071. Otherwise your dead on. Was gonna go ft 3071. Then I wanted bigger numbers and faster 1/4 mile . Trent from where?
  16. Because the gtx3071 has the samesize exhaust wheel theferore most likely similar lag. Link?
  17. Thank you for an answer. Would the slightly worse flow matter (if it was cropped) considering I have a massively flowing gtx3076. Also if that entire chart shifted up about 25 kW. Would poeople be happier?
  18. How do u figure. Its the same thing essentially. Have u used a 0.7 avoid before? Seems to fit perfectly between .63 and. 82.
  19. I wanted to go .7 AVO housing and I got rediculed for it. Shoulda stuck with my gut.
  20. Anyone else actually got one of these? So I can compare how abnormally lsggy might e is. Ugh.
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