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Everything posted by Brendan&Ana

  1. hey guys just thought you guys n girls would like to know about the sids charity cruise that will be happening on 12/aug for full details check out this link https://www.facebook.com/events/327341460684605/ anybody any car is welcome.
  2. hey guys i have asked max about a group deal and this is what he had 2 say I can offer you a price of $600 each for two or more. so guys let me know if u are interested and i will get things going
  3. this is the email i got from towright but i need something a bit heavier than 1200kg but if any1 wants to do the 1 from max pm me and ill see if i can get a group deal going i wont bother unless there is enough interest Hi Brendan, Yes we freight to Aus and the price delivered to your door is NZ$617.25. the towbar is rated to 1200kg towing capacity Regards
  4. cant remember who i spoke to it was just some1 from the customer service centre but u could try and speak to the production manager
  5. hey guys just for ur info i found this guy in 1 of the old threads and is still around in a.c.t if there is enough people maybe we could get a group buy on this below are the details he emailed me this is to suit the c34 Hi, Thanks for your enquiry . Relevant data re the towbar is: Heavy duty Hayman Reese type (50mm square hitch) rated at 2 000kg towing. All removable parts are Hayman Reese and readily available. Cost is $725 plus freight ( to Newcastle about $35). Written warranty and fitting instructions are provided. Towbar is not certified as legal in your state (this situation is a common with most ‘grey imports) but no such problems have been reported to me. I have made about 50 of them. I am not aware of anyone who has gone to the trouble of having one certified. If this is done, however, you should be aware that the certifying engineer (who must be accredited to your State RTA) may vary the rating at his discretion and charge about $500 for the service. I should also point out that , legally, the maximum towing capacity is set by the vehicle manufacturer (Nissan) and the rating given in your owner’s manual is the legal bible. Payment not required until towbar is completed. Payment by direct deposit or credit card by phone accepted. Fitting would take about 4 hours for a handyman. If the car is brought to Canberra the fitting charge is $220 for a total of $945 for the complete installation. No special wiring required and basic harness (with instructions) is supplied with towbar kit. A copy of the Fitting Instructions can be forwarded by email on request. Just let me know if and when you require the bar, it will take about a week to have ready. Please advise any questions you may have. Regards Max Towbars of Woden 0418 674 325
  6. i have just spoken to hayman reese and they said if someone in melbourne wanted to give them a car for a week they could do something depending on the popularity so if every1 one with a stagea starts ringing them asking for a tow bar they will do something so every1 start ringing them 1800 812 017
  7. hey guys ive been reading through some of the threads and they are all old on this subject i need a towbar for my 99 s2 rs4s with dayz kit the only place i have found that will do 1 is in sydney fast fit and is only rated to 1200kg for $600 please help im in newcastle and i would like something rated over 1500kg
  8. spotted white autech on maitland rd heading to maitland no.plate gtrwagon and a silver s2 heading in the same same direction in greenhills
  9. That ones at Argie, 10 -15 mins from Elebana, i've stopped to have a quick look at it to as i have same one, the body looks alright, theres no rust around the normal spots from what i could see, how quick do you need it looked at? and i can try and get down there and check it out for you?
  10. spotted a gold m35 on medowie rd medowie NSW around 3.30-4.00pm today followed by a silver v35 skyline
  11. spotted a white c34 s1 or s2 not sure only caught a glance on m7 sydney around 5 yesterday going in opposite direction
  12. spotted black s2 around 1:30pm today going past the gardens greyhound/soccer oval
  13. factory manual should have a rsfours sticker on the boot on right handside
  14. spotted white with silver pearl or a silver with white pearl series 1 stagea on Lambton Road Broadmeadow.
  15. spotted a white m35 BTG--- at about 4.30 today in new lambton exchanged waves
  16. spotted silver m35 possibly an autech BB-81-UM parked in noah's at the beach car park newcastle today around 2.30
  17. just dont forget 90db @ 4800rpm for our cars is the legal limit u dont want 2 go through the hassle of getting done by the epa or cops
  18. hi guys just want to know who is from newcastle/hunter valley/ port stephens areas
  19. spotted grey m35 on high st maitland near shell servo around 3pm today
  20. rotors same as 350z all u have to do is figure out which pad u have DIMENSIONS MODEL/VARIANT YEARS F/R ROTOR TYPE A B C D E F BASE PAD ALT PADS STAGEA ( IMPORT ) M 35 3.5 LTR 2001 - 2005 F RDA954 V 296 49 24 22 68 5 RDB1232 RDB1250 (139 X 59) DP1671 (157 X 58) DP0775 DP2775 DP3775 DP1471 DP21671 DP31671 STAGEA ( IMPORT ) M 35 3.5 LTR 2001 - 2005 R RDA7657 V 292 62 16 14 68 5 RDB1144 (most models) RDB1509 (some) DP06862 DP1666
  21. i have had it at a brake specialists for the last 2 days and they said they will not be right 1st major difference is the thickness of the rotor od is out and height is slightly out on the 954s rotor
  22. actual dimensions for ROTORS series 2 1999 rs4s FRONT - diameter 290mm height 48mm centre 68mm minimum thickness 26mm brand new thickness 28mm REAR - diameter 292mm height 63mm centre 68mm minimum thickness 16mm ( couldnt remember exactly what measurement was here but pretty sure this was it could be 14) brand new thickness 18mm ( couldnt remember exactly what measurement was here but pretty sure this was it could be 16) so far from my searches nothing is exactly the same.
  23. actual dimensions for ROTORS series 2 1999 rs4s FRONT - diameter 290mm height 48mm centre 68mm minimum thickness 26mm brand new thickness 28mm REAR - diameter 292mm height 63mm centre 68mm minimum thickness 16mm ( couldnt remember exactly what measurement was here but pretty sure this was it could be 14) brand new thickness 18mm ( couldnt remember exactly what measurement was here but pretty sure this was it could be 16) so far from my searches nothing is exactly the same. and from what i could see on dixcel japan website is that there are 4 or more different type of rotors between series 1 and 2 some going right through all models so it is possible that some suggestions that have been posted will work on some cars and for others it wont so make sure u do ur research b4 u buy or take some of the advice on here
  24. when i went to mechanic he cleaned mine aswell it was fine for a lil while then came back but he did say i need to replace it
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