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About itsme

  • Birthday 25/04/1987

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  • Car(s)
    R34 GTT Sedan
  • Real Name
    Steven Chase

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  1. Hey Dan, firstly yes it's definitely ok to bust out a stogie on the odd occasion. Heck, inhale a little if you wanna real be ballin' with it. Secondly, I sent you monies and PM'd you about some LED's but haven't had a reply are you about at all big fella? thanks mate.
  2. Yesterday bonnet was up, today it was down so maybe it's already been partially stripped =(
  3. Hi all, I drove down Jones St in Balcatta this morning and wasn't paying much attention but there was a silver R33 with GTR badges, wasn't looking hard enough to see if it looked genuine (guards etc). Car has a 'Vehicle has been reported' Sticker on the window but I also noticed an SAU WA sticker on the rear quarter window. Didn't see any threads about one being missing or stolen but I find this really odd. Hopefully somebody knows who's it is before it gets trashed or something. cheers, Steven Chase
  4. Sigh.. How about don't race, regardless of the road being private and especially when noting you 'both can't drive for shit'. The genius of making your car faster so you can beat commodores just spells disaster, one would safely assume that you aren't going to always be going up against them on 'private' roads and you've also mentioned there is video footage to measure the 0-100 time. The media is just lurking for any opportunity to pin something on import car owners and people going around racing certainly won't help our image. Do quarter mile times on a track somewhere with the appropriate safety measures in place and without breaking the law or looking like ye' average commodore driver who feels a need to prove themselves at every red light. =)
  5. Yeh really good job fellas, was an awesome day, nice cars and really well organised =)
  6. ^Waste of time... haha that's great... Good pun is good =P
  7. Double post sigh
  8. <P> </P>
  9. Hey bud, I've got a D5000 (earlier model which isn't as good as yours) I've been doing photography about 6 months on a pretty continued basis. Best tip I can give is take your camera with you everywhere, the more often you shoot the better you will get with your camera and its settings. I'd recommend investing in a decent tripod as this will be useful for any car photography as well as anything being shot in poor lighting conditions. Filters are useful depending on application but I would recommend you invest in AT LEAST a UV filter for ALL your lenses.. it's much easier to clean a filter or even replace it than it is to replace a whole lense if you scratch it etc. Further to all this what Matt has written above is spot-on. You want to read and practice all the time, there is plenty of info online for you and there are magazines in newsagents etc, if you intend on focusing on car photography read up on it. I'll also add, if you're starting out don't get too down when you take shots and they don't look as good as magazines/websites etc. You will find these days ALOT of the shots you see are not taken straight from the camera, they are often touched up in photoshop and you can turn an average looking photo into a good one with little work so try make yourself familiar with photoshop if your not. Sometimes just reducing the image size, cropping out unecessary parts and sharpening it up can make all the difference. Feel free to PM me with any questions and if I can't answer I'll ask my mate who does photography professionally (if you know anybody else who does photography ask questions and advice, deviantart.com is also a good photo-sharing place and some of the members are happy to help) Cheers, Steve
  10. itsme

    Rising Sunday

    I'm excited to see your new beast Eps, although I'm sad that you sold the Ceffy.. I thought i saw it parked on Mirrabooka Ave not too long ago and was going to leave a smudge mark with my willy.. then realised it was no longer yours and thought it might result in me getting bottled/glassed/stabbed. I've had the fuschia Works on it for about 6 months now so they have minor amounts of gutter rash (due to stretched tired providing no protection) and some clown thought it would be funny to kick/throw something at my bonnet so there is an upsetting dent.. But I'll be coming with along with a mate who has a WRX RA, a 180.. and a few others.. should be awesome. btw; I'm not joking about copping abuse for the pink rims, I just tell everybody it was your idea. After showing how good black and fuschia lingerie looks how could I NOT do it.. Plus I didn't wanna be half-steppin
  11. Hi Chloe, Do you know what the turbo timer is? (greddy, apexi etc) I'd recommend posting those details up here first, depending on how bad it's been disconnected one of the dudes on here may even be able to do it for you. (ie: might just be one wire) Alternatively call up a few of the workshops and explain you have a '_____ turbo timer that has been disconnected on an R34, how much to install it/fix it then work out based on price and reputation of the workshop where to go. In the meantime don't worry too much. The manufacturers don't make the cars with turbo timers so it's not necessarily vital, just drive your car easy for the last leg before your destination (ie; dont thrash it to your driveway then switch it straight off) or alternatively just sit with the car on for a minute before switching off =) -Steve
  12. itsme

    Rising Sunday

    Oi Rowan!! If I bring down the Skyline with the Fuschia Rims (as per your instructions) Can you please guarantee that; A) I will not be attacked and called a homo like I do when pulling up at intersections in Mirrabooka and Balga B) Cops will not block the exits from the carpark and hand out yellow stickers because they generally have nothing better to be doing than hassling car enthusiasts? <3 you. (no homo)
  13. Hey matey, I've also been looking high and low to find an O2 sensor for my R34 GTT. I rang Nissan today and they want $275 for one!! I'm at a loss as to why this is so expensive compared to the 32's and 33's. I'm also wanting to know if the EL Ford sensor fits and if there is any adverse affect in using one. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find anything, can you please let me know how you go as well mate as this just seems far too pricey!! Cheers bud, Steve
  14. Hey all, (mainly Bubba due to being so helpful =P) I've been advised of the following; The wiring plugs for both AFM and injectors are not a plug in adapter on each end. They are a wiring plug kit. This means they plug onto the injectors/AFM but need to be wired back into the loom. The injectors are a 6 orifice wide split cone, high impedance injector Bosch EV14 52lb – 550cc · Set of 6 $450 + $60 for wiring plug kits (new plugs as supplied will need to be wired into your injector loom ) Bosch Z32 300ZX Airflow meter · $265 Plug kit available as pictured below for $36 extra. Freight on both items will be $18. The pricing seems reasonable, I don't know if 6 orifice wide open split cone is good? From reading through other forums it appears these have received good feedback. In related forums I've found people with these 550CC injectors with power outputs of 450+hp which is above my aim of 350hp so this all looks the goods. Is wiring of the AFM and injectors to the loom difficult or is it something most tuners can do during install? What are your thoughts on the above in terms of quality and pricing? Thanks again for all your help! -Steve
  15. Uh huh, makes sense - Cheers mate. Will I be able to retain my factory BOV or will I need to upgrade that as well (trying to get an idea on total cost here =/) I just found these injectors, although I generally avoid cheap ebay things these look ok and feeback is high; http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370500877454 Cheers for the diff info, will begin looking at 1.5's now =) Btw, not sure where you are located but there is a reasonable chance you know my car.. Black 34 Sedan with Fuschia Pink rims, hard to miss. Plus I cop HEAPS of sh*t for them, I blame Mr Eps he talked me into it. =P
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