I had a taxi driver experience too... well plenty of "whoa, what a tard" moments, haha, but one in particular still gives me the chills.
Many moons ago I was riding my brother's little CBR250 down Roma St and a guy in a taxi decided he wanted my lane, I beeped figuring he hadn't seen me, and he looked me straight in the eyes and kept coming - it was really quite terrifying. I was boxed in, not even braking was an option due to the actions of the car behind me, and the only thing I could think to do was to stand on the pegs and kick the crap out of his mirror. Thankfully that made him swerve back into his lane, which gave the enormous bloke on the Harley I'd just finished having a coffee with time to pull in between a scared-shitless me and the taxi, and in his most menacing voice he bellowed "F*** OFF C***". The wanker in the taxi promptly exited stage left. When I rang them the taxi company basically said that their drivers are angels and that it must have somehow been my fault, but that I could still lodge a complaint. I did that, then went to lodge a police report, they were sympathetic but said it'd be difficult to do anything about because other than a mirror there was no damage or injury. Never heard from either again, but lived to tell the tale so it's not all bad lol.