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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. Nah I don't think so, not in the R32 anyway. If you're thinking of the R32 GTS25, it was RWD only. The RB25DE + AWD combo was used in the R33 GTS4 though.
  2. Moved to classifieds
  3. Already mentioned here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Dr...ds-t320146.html. And yes I find them irritating as hell too, hopefully they'll be fixed soon. Locking this thread
  4. I've never had anything overly difficult for them to do so I can't really say I've put him to the test, but Karen & I have used Chris Peris from United Tax & Accountants for the last few returns and haven't had any complaints.
  5. Whereabouts are you, that'll dictate the most convenient sparky for you. If he's in your area I'll also add my vote for Chris from Audio Express, a quick search for him on here will show you why he's so highly regarded.
  6. Yeah same here Hanso, it looks like it redirects to http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/home.html then errors. My bookmark for http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/forums.html works fine though thankfully! I'm sure the C-bomb will fix it in due course
  7. Ok gone now, obviously an in-joke somewhere but anyone trying to talk to someone named Dale was going to have a difficult time of it
  8. haha, someone has put in a bad word filter for "dale"
  9. Done mate, though I got an error when it tried to send you an email so I'm not sure if it was sent. In any case, you'll need to log on with your new account name from now on
  10. I had a taxi driver experience too... well plenty of "whoa, what a tard" moments, haha, but one in particular still gives me the chills. Many moons ago I was riding my brother's little CBR250 down Roma St and a guy in a taxi decided he wanted my lane, I beeped figuring he hadn't seen me, and he looked me straight in the eyes and kept coming - it was really quite terrifying. I was boxed in, not even braking was an option due to the actions of the car behind me, and the only thing I could think to do was to stand on the pegs and kick the crap out of his mirror. Thankfully that made him swerve back into his lane, which gave the enormous bloke on the Harley I'd just finished having a coffee with time to pull in between a scared-shitless me and the taxi, and in his most menacing voice he bellowed "F*** OFF C***". The wanker in the taxi promptly exited stage left. When I rang them the taxi company basically said that their drivers are angels and that it must have somehow been my fault, but that I could still lodge a complaint. I did that, then went to lodge a police report, they were sympathetic but said it'd be difficult to do anything about because other than a mirror there was no damage or injury. Never heard from either again, but lived to tell the tale so it's not all bad lol.
  11. That name has been taken, sorry The account was perma-banned for some reason, but I think the rules on taking account names might still apply. If you're dead-set on wanting that name I'm happy to ask the team.
  12. Yeah there are a few good ones around, the search function would have returned several threads asking the same thing though. A combo of Elite Racing and EFI Performance in Yatala depending on what they're doing at the time are the choice of a lot of the guys I know. These shops also offer discounts to SAUQLD club members
  13. Thread closed at request of OP, item has been sold
  14. Yup Use the report post feature (even if it's your own post) and explain why you want it changed.
  15. I can confirm Dave's willingness to wave... hi Dave!! *waves furiously* Spotted a farken MINT looking, angry sounding 33 on the Bruce Hwy last night, heading southbound, being hassled by some tards in a V6 Commo (VR/VS with those ghey clear tail lights, and a red P plate) who were obviously looking for a race. Grats on ignoring them and letting them disappear into the distance
  16. As per Christian's post in this topic: On those two screens, any topic/forum subscriptions will be shown. Tick any that appear, make sure "unsubscribe" is selected in the dropdown at the bottom, and click the "with selected" button. Once you've done that on both screens the topic reply/new thread emails should stop.
  17. HahahaThanks Shell!! Done fellas!
  18. Spotted Einstein on our way home last night, ended up grabbing a bite to eat and having a nice long chat
  19. Tint is *way* too dark IMHO, and will quite possibly affect your insurance in the event of a crash. Other than that, looks like a nice tidy ride mate, nice work
  20. f*** yeah
  21. Silver V35 with CUSACK on the plates, in traffic on Logan Rd yesterday arvo
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