Col - Fair question mate, and yes it's something I'm already looking at.
The main reason that thread wasn't gone a long time ago is partly for the same reasons the BR thread stayed for as long as it did, but also that they're a good two hours north so there was some justification in having the separation. From memory that's how it was looked at last time it was discussed anyway.
But yes, I agree that realistically the chat in there should probably be moved into WT as well. They do have the added complication of being well out of the Brisbane metro area but talking crap over the internet isn't really dependent on location is it, lol.
In any case, we'll deal with one thing at a time
For what it's worth, and maybe it'll help to clear the air a little, I did try to discuss the BR thread with all involved but with the exception of some foot-stamping nobody could come up with a proper reason for the chat not to come here. That's not me deciding that I'm right and everyone else is wrong, I'm not that kind of person, but nobody came up with a convincing argument as to why I shouldn't go with Plan A. Explain something and back it up and I have no problems being told I'm wrong, my missus does it all the time haha.
I know there is a bit of resentment and it probably seems like I'm out to stamp on people's fun or do the old stereotypical "internet authoritah" mod-power thing, but I'm honestly just trying to look at the Qld section, as a whole, and do what's best for it. It will probably cause a few waves, most changes will, but I am genuinely trying to do the right thing.