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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. All done! Heh it's all good Done! Yes mate it does Traitor was taken so you got your second choice
  2. We already have someone named Kitty, sorry
  3. Only when you back off? PCV? Dodgy catch can/plumbing?
  4. I actually quite like the multi-spoke look! Holy crap, that would have been an interesting ride
  5. John didn't piss me off, he just made it obvious that the thread was pointless and that the likelihood of a sensible discussion was zero from that point onwards. I'll say it yet again, the BR thread had been left alone for a while due to a lack of activity in the section. I tried to discuss it with all involved (where, might I add, a lot of others would have simply closed it with a note), the only person who really had anything to say was John who seemed to be handling the discussion alright before going off on a tangent and slinging mud, at which point I closed the thread. Nobody gave a toss until that point, and then suddenly everyone cared because there was a bandwagon to jump on. Waah waah waah, we didn't get our way, whinge moan complain. 1 - because, as mentioned repeatedly, it should be in whoretown... 2 - only one was banned, and all his behaviour since then has done nothing but prove it was justified 3 - the only posts that have been removed were yours, posting an ancient "mods are bastards *cry*" pic And yes, it's going well so far. Thanks for noticing.
  6. When it's deliberately inflammatory, particularly when it's from a user who is currently banned because he's too thick to know when to stop, it'll be deleted. Why is anything that you don't like a "power trip"? Oh you mean the ones I've said repeatedly are likely to get the same treatment in the near future?Look, carrying on like spoilt kids who have had their rattle taken away isn't going to change anything. I tried to discuss it with you guys beforehand, nobody seemed to care until it was too late, now you're stamping feet and having a massive sook. Get over it.
  7. Oh man, that is gay with aids Sounds like you need to salary sacrifice or get an awesome accountant or something
  8. Why not, I'd have to sleep occasionally! Fark me, what I wouldn't do for a car like that
  9. Do want
  10. You should have tried to source a full wiring loom!! Oh wait...
  11. Col - Fair question mate, and yes it's something I'm already looking at. The main reason that thread wasn't gone a long time ago is partly for the same reasons the BR thread stayed for as long as it did, but also that they're a good two hours north so there was some justification in having the separation. From memory that's how it was looked at last time it was discussed anyway. But yes, I agree that realistically the chat in there should probably be moved into WT as well. They do have the added complication of being well out of the Brisbane metro area but talking crap over the internet isn't really dependent on location is it, lol. In any case, we'll deal with one thing at a time For what it's worth, and maybe it'll help to clear the air a little, I did try to discuss the BR thread with all involved but with the exception of some foot-stamping nobody could come up with a proper reason for the chat not to come here. That's not me deciding that I'm right and everyone else is wrong, I'm not that kind of person, but nobody came up with a convincing argument as to why I shouldn't go with Plan A. Explain something and back it up and I have no problems being told I'm wrong, my missus does it all the time haha. I know there is a bit of resentment and it probably seems like I'm out to stamp on people's fun or do the old stereotypical "internet authoritah" mod-power thing, but I'm honestly just trying to look at the Qld section, as a whole, and do what's best for it. It will probably cause a few waves, most changes will, but I am genuinely trying to do the right thing.
  12. Hrm yeah true, it's getting hard to find REALLY stock examples these days!
  13. I assume you mean the turbo models, IIRC the factory reckons 14.5, even at this age as long as the clutch isn't slipping or something they should still be able to easily do a high 14. He might be thinking of NA times though by the sound of it
  14. That's because Josh does reach-arounds
  15. Nah this'll ruin Xmas http://www.godlessgeeks.com/WhyAtheism.htm
  16. The issue wasn't just with John, if it was I would have done exactly what you've suggested and taken it to PM.
  17. Yeah the approvals can be a pain, I just use my bike helmet. I've never been turned away from anything yet, but once you get into the realms of "proper" events (eg door to door racing, professional stuff) it's entirely possible that a helmet deemed safe enough to protect your head in seeminly far more dangerous circumstances won't meet the regs. Massively ghey but I suppose they need to draw the line somewhere?
  18. It kind of got buried by the whoring in the other thread but the short version is that it was whoretown v2, and to be honest it had been for quite some time. No dramas with you asking the question mate but I'll close this thread too before it has a chance to fill up with post whoring, or worse
  19. Hey I was trying to discuss it in a civil manner, but seeing as you're now being a cock about it consider the thread closed. Start an event thread in the event area for the meets, if it turns into whoretown as well it'll be closed/merged too. Thanks for making the decision so much easier. *waiting with the ban stick for "awesome" mature stabs at mods in another thread* Farken bingo. Unfortunately some are too thick/stubborn/trying to be a hero to see it. Haha
  20. Monday morning, at work, no xmas break FTMFL
  21. It probably is if you're not a soft office worker like me Nah it's actually quite nice
  22. Yup, outside was hot and the sun has some bite to it! Back inside now, safe and cool
  23. Haha, I can't deny that aircon is nice, I wouldn't give it up without a fight It just makes going outside that much harder! My brother works under trucks in a tin shed all day and the guy two houses up from us works for BHP or Bluescope or whoever in the room with all the molten metal, bugger that for a joke.
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