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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. Rust holes = r32s can't float = natural selection
  2. bahahaha, +11ty billion
  3. You don't understand Chris. It's a Mirage, it HAS to have hektik subwoofas. It's the law.
  4. Revhead


    As above... drive it down. It'll cost you a heck of a lot less than $741 and you're covered by your existing insurance. Btw, "return flights to sydney at $849.70" - is regional flight that expensive?
  5. I reckon if you can get a place somewhere inside a 5-10km ring of the city you're set as far as volume goes because the random mums/kids that want some front speakers or a basic head unit will choose based on convenience (and price obviously). If you're focussing on the enthusiast market then you have more leeway because as you've pointed out, people will usually drive further for quality work. So it depends on where you see your business focussing in the near future. The other thing to consider is, where are you going to be living? Anyway for me personally, as a general rule I'd say I'd travel an hour for quality work, more if the quality is exceptional or I'm getting a lot done at once. PS I need to get you up to put those horns in the 33!
  6. Done! Done mate, you'll have two notifications in your email because I read your original post before noticing this one lol. Ignore the Michael34 one, your name is GoAhead as reqested Yep, done
  7. Sorry mate, Greeny is already in use as someone's logon name. It won't show up in the member list because their display name is different, thanks for checking though, it does help!
  8. Might lock this to prevent any further confusion
  9. Holy crap, posts from Birty, slip and Boxhead!
  10. hehe I doubt it, not unless you mistook my bike or my daily for a Skyline lol. The poor old 'line has barely moved in the last month, hooray for work consuming all of what would otherwise be my spare time! Sometimes you need to be a bit more patient with the elderly...
  11. Often they'll either trawl a list of IPs from somewhere (like a torrent connection, they share a movie or something and every IP that connects is recorded) or they'll scan a range looking for machines susceptible to whatever vulnerability they're specifically targeting today. Often the tards actually doing the "hacking" aren't hugely clever and don't have much of an arsenal handy, the hack is something they found on a hacking site which is why they target that vulnerability, and if that hack gets them in then great, if not they move onto the next potential victim. Once in they'll usually resort to childish damage/vandalism, or these days it's quite common for them to infect you with malware that opens up other vulnerabilities to make it easier to attack later, to act as a beacon to other attackers, and often to allow your machine to be used in a bot net for things like spam messages and DDoS attacks, which is how they make their money. Not sure what you mean about multiple IPs on one connection, if you have one internet connection then you would normally have one IP address, if you have multiple machines behind that one connection they'll be NAT'd so only your external IP is visible - a normal LAN setup doesn't use internet routable IPs anyway.
  12. Not sure I caught that
  13. That is some shitty luck! Identified how they got in and patched it I take it?
  14. Harsh. Good to see they were sneaky and clever and didn't just succumb to the idiotic "delete everything" mentality. Oh wait...
  15. Moved thread from Queensland to Queensland Classifieds
  16. Spamming to increase your post count, awesome. Thought about making posts that contribute to the community rather than just posting pointless crap? I've merged all four of your topics, reset your post count to zero, and given you a warning - I'm in a good mood so I haven't given you a holiday at this stage but do it again and you get a week's ban.
  17. Holy crap, I thought that car would have Drifteks for life haha Looks good mate
  18. +11ty, bikes ftmfw
  19. Your name has been changed mate!
  20. A mate from work has used them on his Magna a couple of times because people keep backing into him. I haven't inspected them afterwards but I haven't heard any complaints from him. As for personal experience, it's not panel work but I used them on a rashed mag wheel a while ago and the result was virtually invisible. Motorline BMW apparently use them for a lot of their minor repair work so they can't be too bad
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