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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. Hell yes, could not agree more! Knowing it and being able to practice it are two different things though, in the heat of the moment it's easy to forget! I'm constantly in awe not just of Mark's ability to control a car and get it around a course quickly, but also at how easy he makes it look. You see him driving and it's like he's in a big upright armchair, he's hardly doing anything in comparison to us, and he laps quicker than anyone else. I suppose that's the difference between a group of people who are able to wrestle a car around, and someone who is able to make the car do all the work...
  2. I just can't get the Mentos ad out of my head after that
  3. Revhead

    What A Gaylord

    A day late but you'll just have to deal with it lol... happy birthday mate
  4. This issue is discussed here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=169522
  5. Another photochop... not mine, I found it on another site. Well I thought it was amusing anyway
  6. Revhead

    Heads Up

    Couldn't agree more Wayne Quality usually costs more initially, but often saves you money in the long run because you don't need to do it more than once. Do it properly, do it once
  7. Yeah I was ignoring that bit... Indeed
  8. It was a good day, the shootout was mega close and there was a heap of friendly competition in the time trials too. And bah @ not in garage, 41.53 is faster than 41.63... In
  9. If vegetarians love nature so much, why do they keep eating all the plants?
  10. Ditto - a damn fantastic day. Full results and photos are on the club site atm, I haven't gotten around to posting it up on here yet but SAU will be sharing in the love! It was good to see the general improvement in driving since last time - obviously some of what was said had sunk in, people had learned something and were putting it into practice. And we managed to skid heaps, and I somehow managed to beat Aaron, twice (flame on lol) And yes, the ice tyres were hell funny. I think if you park on enough of a slope, the back end will start sliding down the hill... you guys did a damn good job of just keeping it facing the right way, top work
  11. It's a known bug with the current version of IPB, according to Invision the next update will fix it
  12. Thanks for meeting up Adam, I had a good evening. Sorry if I talked your ears off with my incessant rambling!! Hopefully next time I come down I'll have more than a day's notice and will be able to meet a few more of you dodgy NSW-ers
  13. Hmm interesting... I'm here in Sydney now, posting from work actually, if you guys are keen let me know, I'll PM my mobile
  14. PM sent
  15. Sweet as, sounds good mate. I'll shoot you my mobile number, I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to get on SAU during the week
  16. The Menzies I think, or the Grace. Work is in Artarmon if it makes a difference
  17. I've recently found out I'm being sent to Sydney for work next week, and I'll be staying Monday and Tuesday nights. I suspect that I'm going to get ultra bored in my hotel room... and I figured I'd find out if anything is happening that I might be able to tag along on, particularly on the Tuesday? Apart from anything else it's a great excuse to catch up and put faces to names, talk a bit of crap and point at some Skylines. I'm flying down so I won't have transport, things will have to be within a reasonably cheap taxi distance Anyway I'm not too worried either way, if nothing's happening I'll just have to suck it up
  18. Revhead


    I don't have a problem with it either There's already a couple of threads about it though - one here and another smaller one here.
  19. Yeah sorry about the BBQ guys, we did our best but the BBQ we had organised is now unavailable. I'll try to get there for a looksy and a few hello's if I can possibly manage it, but I've been called into work and don't know how long I'll be stuck there
  20. They are coming back mate, I know it's been ages but please continue to be patient. Funky is a busy man, I'm sure he'll take care of it the first chance he gets. You're not seeing the Qld tags because the club group isn't your primary one - this is the correct way to set up the groups, but unfortunately means that you won't see a tag for that group until the secondary group tags are brought back.
  21. This still for sale by any chance?
  22. Good luck with that Oh and jealousy is a curse...
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