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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. Done - just happened to be logged on lol
  2. rofl
  3. I thought that clutch was rated for some insane hp level you had no hope of reaching... wtf did you do to it? You weren't towing a boat or something were you?
  4. You've posted where you work, and some of us have met you. Thursday night cruises ftw... But yeah, it's all jokes *tries to think of something really awkward and/or heavy*
  5. I can afford to, I don't keep breaking cars
  6. Oh and Nandos ftw fools
  7. ... and we'll be there with a printout of the last few pages of whoretown
  8. Nah, only if someone repeated stirred up crap and created multiple accounts. Besides, dynamic IP addresses and the fact that most people can log on from more than one place mean IP banning is fairly useless, unless you ban a range and/or a router somewhere.
  9. Yay finally finished a database upgrade That's how they'll all work if the water is lower than the temp sender. The sensor will be reading air temp, which won't pick up much until the water has already started to boil and evaporate.
  10. roflcopter That is a very complex task though. We had a very expensive phone tech flown up from Sydney to fix a PABX issue, who looked all confused when we explained that a TCP/UDP port didn't necessarily refer to a specific plug in the back of the machine. They didn't charge us for his visit...
  11. Ugh still feel like crap this morning... oh and hi whores
  12. True most road cars run helical cut gears (quieter), silly thing is I was picturing helicals and still wrote angle cut lol. You can actually get angle cut gears too, though afaik they're still as noisy as straight cuts but not as strong so aren't used as often. I know you can get a dog box without straight cuts (and vice versa), the point of my post was that they are two separate parts of the box
  13. Straight cut gears means that the gears themselves are cut at 90 degrees, ie the teeth aren't cut on an angle. Dodgy ASCII pic here: ----------- | | | | | | ----------- vs ----------- / / / / / / ----------- Angle cut gears are quieter and wear better too I believe, but won't cope with quite the same outright power as straight-cuts, particularly on very hard gearchanges (the whole gear face contacts at the same time). A "dog box" refers to the gears having dog engagement, which generally means no synchros to wear out. Hardcore dog boxes are incredibly strong but without synchros you have to rev match, and unless you are flogging the car, they are a pain in the arse. Just to be pedantic, most manual gearboxes actually use dog engagement, but the synchros line the dog teeth up and make sure they're spinning at the same speed for a smooth gearchange. Calling something a "dog box" usually just means the synchros aren't there and that the dogs themselves are the only method of meshing the gears. FYI when you miss a gear and hear that horrible crunching sound, it's not the gear teeth grinding (they are in constant contact with each other), it's actually the dog teeth. If the synchros aren't doing their job or you've changed gears too quickly for them, the dogs will be spinning at different speeds and will grind. Right, mechanics lesson over, time to go to work lol
  14. Here you go - according to one of the Google results: "350 Chev in (with a solid cam), T350 box with a 3000 stall, and welded diff with 4.11"
  15. I'm fairly sure that one is a 350 Chev
  16. Karen and I are both feeling unwell... was hoping it'd sort itself out by tonight but we're not going to be able to make it, sorry guys
  17. Fingers crossed it's not actually a warped head... while you have the head off have it decked just in case.
  18. This is how you own a page John. 20ppp = ghey
  19. You have much to learn, young Skyliner.
  20. Oh and Andy, if you're looking for something less bandwidth hungry (or more, er, boss friendly) try the lo-fi version of the forums. The option is way down the bottom, where you choose the forum skin.
  21. She's gone? still showing up on my pc. Damn caching proxies.
  22. Pine, MDF, or even plywood would probably do the trick.
  23. If you're parked outside work, and judging by where that is and what's nearby... a lot
  24. Yeah the crossover pipe is ghey. I have removal of that bit of piping down to a fine art though lol
  25. Aww no... Should be alright though if you shut it down nice and quick, it wouldn't have had time to boil Compression test ftw
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