I am well aware of what a PDF/EPS file is, and that postscript, being a standardised PDL, is going to be consistent regardless of what kind of file it's embedded (or encapsulated, hence EPS) in. I'm also aware that in image terms, vector refers to an image storage method that uses point data (vectors) to store an image, rather than what coloured dot goes in what place. My point was that we sent a large number of formats, not how these formats compare to eachother. Some places demand files in specific formats, hence why we have the files saved in several already.
I do understand what you're saying wrt colour matching too, the image was not created with a colour profile attached, but it was sent to them with a note of what we wanted and Mud got a proof back which looked the goods. It was approved and the plate did not match the proofs. Proof <> product = their fault, unfortunately they have a monopoly and we can't go anywhere else Given that they haven't been very helpful so far it might be a while before we get what we've asked/paid for...