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Everything posted by Revhead

  1. Thanks GTRman
  2. Didn't quite catch that Merli
  3. I would like to see Dan's pink bits too.
  4. Get it shipped in a sealed container if you want to make sure nothing like that happens. I have NFI how much extra it costs (a fair bit I'm guessing) but IMHO it'd be worth it knowing that nothing's been flogged since it was loaded in Japan. Someone who actually has some idea how it all works might be able to give you better advice
  5. It'd be digging a hole for myself if I cared what other people thought, I bought my car for me, noone else I reserve the right to pass judgement on other people's cars though
  6. I managed to keep my car pretty much dint-free for ages, then in under a week some idiot kicked (I assume) the driver's door while I was parked at the doctor's, then on the weekend my dad accidentally swung a generator into the front guard. Then my brother wasn't watching what he was doing and ran over a broom, which flicked it up and put a couple of small dints right near where my dad hit it. Then to top it all off, a couple of months after that, I came back to my car one day and some snooty farkin bitch had her shopping sitting on my bonnet while she loaded it into her boot!!!!! When I questioned her she said "well I'm not putting it on mine". Like hell you're not bitch. I picked up all of her shopping and put it on her bonnet, and she went off at me. So the last bag containing a few cans wasn't placed very carefully. I just don't understand some people.
  7. Yes there is. I'm told that all you need is an extra two relays - one to cut the immobilisers, and another to cut the ignition signal to the alarm (so it doesn't go off). I have NFI how they'd need to be wired in (I'm an electronics noob), but a mate of mine who does this kind of thing for a living mentioned this a while back and said it was a fairly simple thing to do.
  8. Didn't pick up the sarcasm in 33NIZ's message obviously? That was the whole point... Replies like the one quoted above do nothing to improve your standing, particularly when you have more important things to worry about.
  9. I'll be there! Probably still won't have the car running by then so I'll either be spectating, or if I can convince a few others to join me, I'll take the bike down. If I can somehow manage to get the launches down pat it should do an easy 10, it's frustrating knowing the only thing holding it back is me being too much of a wuss
  10. Although the point here is that the guy did not get what he paid for, your arguments about the pump being adequate (apart from being completely beside the point) are totally flawed. I'm far from an expert, but even I can see holes in your logic. 165lph is at 73psi (iirc), meaning that with a 40psi base pressure, at 33psi boost the pump will flow 165lph. So, correct me if I'm wrong, at more sane boost levels the pump will flow less than 165lph. Although 165lph may be enough in itself, this is the pump's max/highest efficiency rating, and it's quite possible that it won't supply enough fuel at (say) 15psi above base to stop his engine from going bang. But as has been said countless times now, the point here is NOT whether what you supplied is 'adequate', it's the fact that you sold an item that didn't match its description. It'd be like me selling you a GTR, and you got a GTSt with a GTR kit and couple of bolt-ons - they look pretty much the same, they (apparently) perform pretty closely, but it's not what you paid for.
  11. I was thinking something along those lines myself Ben Mines_dori_FC_bus really wants to be careful who he scams. I'm sure just about everyone knows people that... "fix problems"
  12. Do what... have taste up their dates? Nah seriously it's strange how it's kinda the done thing for 32 owners to hate 33s. IMHO it's stuck in no-man's land where the 34 guys don't like it because it old, 32 guys don't like it because it's not old enough. Fwiw I'm still happy with my purchase more than four years on
  13. ... that not everyone has taste
  14. I'm there
  15. :wavey: There's a La Porchetta in Toowoomba which I went to, er, plenty of times while working in the city. It rocked. So there's at least *some* consistency, in which case there's a fair chance a GC/Brissy store should also be pretty damn good. Italian food is the poo, organise it and I will be there
  16. My interest rate is lower now than it was when I started. I would have been worse off with a fixed rate.
  17. I thought it was alright, the chilli was about as hot as I could comfortably finish a couple of bowls of (OK, 1.5 bowls) without the hot sauce. I don't see the point in proving your macho-ness by eating something that's so hot you can't taste the flavour, and makes you pay for it for days afterwards. I think next time I go it'll still be a tossup between the chilli and the steak though, the chilli is $7 but the steak is ooooh so good...
  18. SLAYER!!!! omgwtfbbq kthxbai
  19. LMAO that was classic it was funny facing backwards on the taxi ride back to Cyrus' car, being able to see the looks on people's faces on the way past...
  20. lmao @ VTD... it's not ValenTine's Day, it's Valentine's Day. Mind you, saying "happy VD!!!" to your other half might not have the desired effect.
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