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cosmic starz

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Everything posted by cosmic starz

  1. + to all above if you want to try to force some improvement you better email the advertisers who sponsor the show telling them you won't buy their products because they support it, send in petitions to SBS and other media outlets etc etc however I think it here to stay because its not a real car show its lowest common denominator mass entertainment - look at the audience - lol and rofl so if all else fails - use the ff button on your vcr by-pass all the advts and crap and justwatch the least mediocre part, the car test segment if its a car worth checking out - so you only have to endure 3-4 minutes in lieu of 60
  2. repco supacheap ..........everywhere - about $6-8 usual larger size spray can when it dries fully it is usually clear - you could spray paint over it if necessary
  3. I think you will find its not corrosion in the usual sense - I think its that the finish colour has been applied very thinly over the etch prime in out of place areas when the body is painted at the factory - you see the same discolouration in various places in some Jap (and other country) cars e.g. inside where intrusion bars are fitted in doors , in hard to get to places on the body panels where front bar is fitted etc - its normal , just like orange peel finish was normal on outer underside edges of US made cars some years ago
  4. if its stabilised for past 3 years why worry about it - for peace of mind a quick fix is to get a spray can of fish oil and spray the discoloured area this seals and prevents against any rust - will kill any rust if it is rust - done !
  5. 1 well the next wild card suggestion is related to only half the HU lighting up - a very odd siyuation - from experience I can tell you that like many brands of car stereos etc the plastic fascia with the controls is attached to the body of the HU and is removable (if your game that is ) - it has pressure contacts and some small circuit boards etc - and just maybe you have some problem related to the buttons/contacts on the fascia not working properly a long shot but is desperation anything may be worth a try ------------------------------ 2 also have you actually disassembled the whole unit from the dash and checked that all connectors at the back of the HU are actually connected - its not that hard a job and you can actually almost pull the whole unit out and turn it around before undoing and checking the connectors as the leads are all more than long enough - pulling it out completely takes about 3 minutes, the screen a little longer they are each only 'one fit' so there is no way you can mix em up even if you pull the unit out completely and refit it
  6. If you need to replace some fasteners or need some parts numbers for the R34 front bar here is a schematic diagram for a R34 Coupe - standard bar - Note : R34 Coupes with the optional Altia bar may vary slightly in regard to some fasteners Source- local Nissan dealer printed it out in about 30 seconds .
  7. was at the local nissan dealer and got this print-out - may be helpful for R34 owners - Note: If like me you have the Altia kit in lieu of the std one there appear to be some minor variations in some fasteners.
  8. ----------------------- difficult to comment without seeing the car but here goes - 1 if there is a cd already in the Xanavi HU you just hit eject and it should come out - the whirring sound you mention is most likely the small fan at the inside back of the radio/cassette player (not the Xanavi HU) and if you listen carefully it runs whenever ignition is turned on - its unlikely a cd is in there already! even when the HU play up its generally that they accept the cd but wont read it - your HU internals seem either totally dead or you have a stuck cd player mechanism (just as bad!) don't even think about dismantling the HU yourself and there is basically no-one other than Mr Rogers who offers a repair service - forget about anyone in Sydney at a guess, the button you refer to is probably an after market by-pass switch put in by original owner to watch TV while driving (which the HU does not normally allow) - post up a pic if you can 2 generally when the HU does not work the screen doesn't either as the former controls the latter - these systems are not disabled by a Compliancer - many just don't work probably because the internal circuitry and sensors are fried or whatever 3 if your keen to learn more then research/read all the threads and posts about the Xanavi HU on SAU - there are lots - and you will see what options are available 4 your best last desperation resort is try another identical Xanavi HU in the car to see if it works - g/l finding one that works
  9. cosmic starz

    Gtr Haters

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- very well said and diplomatic too, but will they listen?
  10. cosmic starz

    Gtr Haters

    lol this thread is so stupidly funny (or sad maybe the latter more than the former) - keep posting em up - lol
  11. <br /><br /><br />____________________________________________________________________________ YOU SAY: i cant appeal coz ive lost my license before (for actions on my behalf), and appealed for it back and got it.< Who told you that you can't appeal? Even without reading the ACT legislation I can say with 99.999% certainty no State or Territory disqualifies an appeal action just because another unrelated prosecution was overturned on appeal. Every civil or criminal matter is dealt with as a NEW matter, prev history only kicks in for sentencing determination. GET YOURSELF SOME PROPER LEGAL ADVICE - pronto
  12. If I wrere you I would firstly only look at the things you touched and not jump to other conclusions yet - why not pull out the ecu again and make sure all pins/connectors are OK - re-connect evrything and try a start again - no doubt others will offer suggestions also
  13. <br /><br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------- You can buy mastic in a tube for a few dollars (any auto supplier should stock it) - a small tube should be plenty- its the stuff that was used to seal windscreens before the latest glue-on type windscreens were introduced - it is a very good sealer does not age harden and easy to apply - but maybe someone else can suggest other options Re a quick short-term fix for getting the moisture out of the h/l when its in situ on car all you need do is take out off the outer circular plastic seal, then the bulb holder and the insdie of the h/l is now exposed and you can use compressed air or any thing similar to blow away any moisture- until you are ready to do the long-term fix.
  14. checking a fault code is about a one or 2 minute procedure but its amazing the number of persons who post about engine not firing properly/missing problems who have never bothered to d/l the R34 Engine Service Manual from the internet or even to read it
  15. +1 ------------------------you definitely need to be extra careful whenever buying or sharing personal info on net etc -----------------add to my earlier post , when I was getting the samoanganstabro and the myriad of middle eastern persona based enquiries, - yes!!!!!!!! 90%+ were either pacific islanders or mid eastern- most of which had not bothered to properly read the advt or wanted a luxo car for nothing, I too would just spin them off by saying car is sold or currently in use call back in 3 months etc - I am sure some contacted me again next few days day thru a proxy to make a new "offer", and we went thru the whole thing again one really weird case was a email from someone with an Aussie email sign off name but who wrote his emails in like you would expect from a very amateur Russian using a english /russian coversion dictionary resulting in really bad/out of date expression terms and sentence construction, and this the sphincter of the universe's sole ploy was to try everything to get me to register an EBAY account and give him the details as he supposedly wanted to do a direct deposit to pay full price for the car - an older BMW Coupe , when queried he claimed he was Australian and currently in the Bermudas working on a ship as the reason for not even wanting to see the car - I thought yea Bermuda triangle more likely, so I ask him you give me your EBAY account details first and he had every excuse not to - so after playing this game via about a dozen emails to and fro I terminated him (like all other clowns) by putting an email block on him etc maybe at some point he was hoping to elicit more personal/banking info from me - seemed a very every odd encounter. has anyone experienced a scam based on seller giving out EBAy account details or if not just be aware of this possibility ?
  16. I was experiencing same problem but now its gone what I did was : go to MY COMPUTER - select the operating system DRIVE : "C" in my case -then DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS - then main user name or code - then open the COOKIES and USER DATA folders and delete everything in there, apart from the Index DAT files which are not deletable problem fixed and this gets rid of most if not all of those parasite sites that are trying to track your activities for their own commercial gain and clogging up your pc
  17. lots of red herrings in the plot - if you go to the start where you dropped off the car at the panel beater and later after they had made lots of short start-ups (to move the car around or whatever ) and you return to find the car won't start but has good battery then what you could have/ should have done is floor the throttle and hit start, this formula is the first thing you should do whenever prolonged cranking gets no start - it eliminates any possibility of flooded engine being the reason for not firing - soon as the motor begins to run you lift off throttle of course! - the method is entirely safe, you won't blow up or over rev a motor that way the logic is that when any f-inj cars are started lots of fuel is injected in first few seconds (compared to normal running ) and repeated unsuccessful short start-ups or non-starts will almost always flood the cylinders in quick time in the older days with carbie systems you always would depress the throttle nowadays with f-inj systems you don't need to do that so many people don't even think about flooring the throttle in f-inj motors to clear flooding
  18. Mike has explained how escrow works very well - it provides both seller and buyer with a high degree of security so neither is ripped off and there are many reasons why seller wants to remain 'at arms lenght' from buyer - it isn'y necessarily suss at all - if you have had the experience of the dreamers and time wasters, esp if its a BMW (even an old bomb BMW only about useful for parts) you get a very interesting cross-section of people but mostly dreamers and clowns, and then there is the sms from people with sign-offs like samoangangstabro - lol - you would really want to meet up with him for his test drive in your car not - lol
  19. The word awful cannot describe it well enough.................I never watch the shows live - what I do is tape them and when its convenient fast forward at double speed and only click play if there is an interesting car - so using this method I watched only the Maserati segment ( of about 3-4 minutes) of the whole 1 hour show of 2 weeks ago I hope they do not sell the show overseas - its just so lame.
  20. my parents had a steel framed house on concrete slab in Hervey Bay Qld in the early 90s where summer temps were very hot and I do not recall any expansion noises whenever I was visiting - this type of construction was getting very popular in country areas - and termites which proliferate in northern hotter climates are not a problem compared to timber construction .............why has this thread appeared now? ..........someone doing a free advertorial for Bluescope?
  21. .........Stop giving reasons WHY he might be getting targeted, he never said HE was or SHE was (being targeted) Dear Skyrine YES he did - he clearly states thats the motivation for her taking on the topic as a Uni assignment. If you have ever been to University you will know that Do you have ANY common sense? I have been to University and was at a selective State high school before that so I have no reason to be apologetic nor would I have even mentioned it except for your asinine comments. As for you, your sentence (reproduced above ) suggests you may need additional coaching in grammar. I could help but I am not in Brisbane. And why are you so afraid and hostile - (because thats the root of most hostility: fear) - do you react the same with everyone that holds a different point of view than that which you may hold? Don't be afraid - take my approach: be open-minded and ask a question or challenge a pre-conception when its appropriate. In closing, I can only trust that you can try to be happy for the rest of the day and, please, do not hesitate to seek proper therapy if your anger management problems get out of control again - lol.
  22. me too - please Mr/Mrs/Ms ADMINISTRATOR can you fix this bloody nuisance problem a.s.a.p ??
  23. my gf is doing an assignment for uni and she has chosen the "Anti-Hooning Laws". She basically wants 2 know what you guys think should/could b done to stop import/performance cars being targeted under these laws? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My 2 comments follow: 1 SERIOUSLY, you must have either wrongly stated what the assignment is about or its a nonsense project - Read carefully what you have written - what you are saying is that import/ performance cars ( moreso the drivers of such cars) that are involved in hooning should not be targeted/penalised at all. If the assigment is based on that premise its just plain stupid. I THINK IT UNLIKELY that is the actual subject of her assignment. It is more likely that the assigment is aimed at proving that such cars ( again, actually the drivers of such cars) are being unfairly discriminated against / more severely penalised as compared to drivers of other classes of cars also caught hooning. Or maybe its an assignment seeking to identify diversionary measures that may reduce the level of illegal hooning (e.g. provide safe legal outlets, education campaigns etc). If its about unfair discrimination she should be attempting to establish the facts of whether there is discrimination, its extent, what form it takes, why it exists and what may be done to ensure it is eradicated. She will need solid empirical data to prove her case and it unlikely you will get that on this site. Maybe you can now clarify exactly what the assignment is - now that would be a serious starting point- lol. 2 <br /><br /><br />+1 -
  24. -------------------------------- have the same symptoms and its on lots of sites not just SAU - whose stuffing up the internet the govt refining its spying on users or Microsoft ?- may have to use RESTORE function under WIN XP Prof SVC Pk 3 if no-one finds a better solution soon
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