I would add a few things too. First off, most people working in the public service are decent, hard-working, individuals who generally don't try to make your life difficult. However, the public service (and the individuals in it) are totally committed to following proceedure. Why? Because its what covers your arse in the P.S. If you don't follow proceedure you are likely to be held accountable; follow it and if there is a stuff up, someone up the chain (ultimately the minister, though that really happens) is responsible.
In the context of Import Approvals I therefore so no reason to try and push your luck. Sure, they *may* process it early but they are just as likely to try and operate (exactly) within the rules and regulations. Why should any particular DOTARS employee go out their way to help you if, at some time down the track, a complaint might be lodge if something goes wrong, and their job is under threat?
Mark: Not sure, should hopefully know later today if AQIS OK's the car at Hobbs. The steam cleaning shouldn't actually remove the mould -- although I think the docket also instructed Hobbs to vacuum it -- but should kill the bacteria.