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Everything posted by lwells

  1. sewid: great to here. Re the pits, how does that work with the whole blue-slip 21-day expiry thing? Is it only 21 days till you lodge an application to register? Well, I picked up my car from Hobbs today. Its safely sitting at Grey Imports now Edit: I should also say that having finally met Nathan, he seems like an absolute top bloke. Thanks to Fatz and Blitz for the headsup. LW.
  2. PHATR32: Good to hear. On a related note, when do the docks shut down? OohArrGTR: Do you have a copy of the Bill of Lading? Should be on there somewhere. LW.
  3. Depending on which state you are in and which policy you have, third party won't save you in an at fault crash if you crash into something expensive as it doesn't cover third party property damage (or if it does, it is capped at something very low), it only covers damage to the other (injured) party (ie. damage to their person). LW.
  4. Rezz: any plans for skits and/or rear bar to tie it all together?
  5. On ya Duncan :headbang: Sounds like a fuel mix issue. LW.
  6. Customs duty is calcuated using the exchange rate on the day the item leaves its home country AFAIK. Oh, its also the 'official' Australia government rate. LW.
  7. SteveL: that's great news about the condition of the car. Lucien.
  8. lwells

    GT-R Key

    Thanks dude. Armed with the part number I will try and get some prices Lucien.
  9. lwells

    GT-R Key

    I don't think its compatible. What do they want for one. KamikazeR33: Arr, thanks for the part number (just to check its the same key as in the picture?) Lucien.
  10. /me rubs hands together. Can't wait to see the "new car thread" by meshmesh in the future LW.
  11. Bizarre. I would have thought in a country like Japan (ie. no excuses about uneducated people, poor, etc) that there wouldn't be nearly as many deaths. What are the main causes of death? LW
  12. Be aware that some paintshops will refuse to touch a car they haven't prepared themselves so make sure you confirm that its A-OK with the paintshop you want to use. LW.
  13. lwells

    GT-R Key

    One more thing: does anyone know the part number? Troy is having difficulty finding it... LW.
  14. lwells

    GT-R Key

    Thanks guys. I will have a ring around to confirm prices. Cheers, Lucien.
  15. lwells

    GT-R Key

    Any idea what they charge for one? LW.
  16. lwells

    GT-R Key

    Hi All, Where can I get a nice GT-R key like so? Nengun and Greenline only list the Nismo variety... Cheers, Lucien.
  17. Yup, mostly in the open. LW.
  18. Is there going to be an advertisers/sponsors for sale section? I often like seeing the specials that Nengun et al offer specifically to SAU. Also, when are the old classifieds going to be shut down because its weird have two concurrent systems (and confusing!). Lucien.
  19. mmmgtir: Not much they can do. There is nothing in it to steal, its dead stock (so no gauges, etc), and next to no fuel in it so they can't easily take it for a burn. Worst that could happen is that they dent it, but it was me who parked it (rather carefully too) where they wanted it, so fingers crossed. jaik: youch. As I understand it too, if it gets rejected your up sh!t creek and have to rely on an appeals process where the burden of evidence/proof is on the vehicle owner. Best of luck mate; post back on the progress. LW.
  20. Heh.. its just getting more frustrating because finally getting the car is oh so close jaik: what complaince issues are you having? Anything other people should be aware of? LW
  21. FFS. Hobbs didn't get around cleaning my car. Now I have to wait till next week. I should have just payed them off, but I hate that kind of thing. It never rains but it poors. LW.
  22. So would I (inlight of my, and other's, recent experiences), though I imagine it might be quite difficult to find one that deals with cars on a regular basis. Edit: I heard on the radio this morning that customs staff are on strike. Hope noone is affected. LW
  23. :werd: I would add a few things too. First off, most people working in the public service are decent, hard-working, individuals who generally don't try to make your life difficult. However, the public service (and the individuals in it) are totally committed to following proceedure. Why? Because its what covers your arse in the P.S. If you don't follow proceedure you are likely to be held accountable; follow it and if there is a stuff up, someone up the chain (ultimately the minister, though that really happens) is responsible. In the context of Import Approvals I therefore so no reason to try and push your luck. Sure, they *may* process it early but they are just as likely to try and operate (exactly) within the rules and regulations. Why should any particular DOTARS employee go out their way to help you if, at some time down the track, a complaint might be lodge if something goes wrong, and their job is under threat? Mark: Not sure, should hopefully know later today if AQIS OK's the car at Hobbs. The steam cleaning shouldn't actually remove the mould -- although I think the docket also instructed Hobbs to vacuum it -- but should kill the bacteria. LW.
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