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Everything posted by Melly

  1. Yeah really... Lazy Chants!
  2. Meh, it's not that bad, takes max 5 mins and it's done (my cats litter anyway). Take like 2 mins to scoop it a couple of times a week. It's only bad when I have to do a full change at night and it's cold outside or when it's raining. Never been clubbing in Sydney and there is a good Italian restaurant on the Goldie or Griffith in NSW... First time I went out in QLD was to the Casino for F1 night...
  3. One of mine went through a phase where she would pee in the toilet, if only they did everything in the toilet all the time I wouldn't need a litter tray.
  4. Mine aren't Darling Harbour I can tolerate because of the Lindt shop but other than that not keen...
  5. Yeah but I would rather die than live in either...
  6. You don't know how much I hate Sydney...
  7. Melbourne always has bipolar weather, I don't like Sydney either... I like it less than Melbourne lol
  8. SuperSmashBrothers
  9. I don't like Melbourne
  10. Morning all... I would get annoyed having to fill up so often on E85, especially since I am always in random as hell places when I need fuel, do not plan ahead...
  11. Dislike broken sleep!
  12. Haha dunno about that...
  13. I was scared shitless when I came across someone that cared, I think he was also to be honest. Certificate III and IV in Fitness are the qualifications required to become a personal trainer, then some specialise in different areas (strength and conditioning etc.) I think it's so hard to accept because people don't understand it, sufferers are often embarrassed about it and generally it's been seen as pretty taboo topic to talk about. Nobody want's to be the "downer" so they bottle it up and try to pretend everything is OK or that they are dealing with it until it gets too much.
  14. He is working on it... 338 days! lol
  15. I would be more interested in driving... Then sex later...
  16. Bored... Googled memes...
  17. Slow day is slow!!!
  18. Still surprised that everyone actually does know Pony!!! He doesn't lie when he says it!!!
  19. Who wouldn't want a deal like that!
  20. Had I known that I would have informed you lol!
  21. ATO sucks I hate them, HECS also sucks, I made less than the threshold last year and still got a bill and the crappy tax people I went to said it was because of my HECS...
  23. They only know when they feel like singing to us at 5am OR I let them in the bedroom and they use it as a race track Yeah I am just putting mine off coz don't want another bill... Really need to get some time and my shit sorted and see Mr Ants... Hahaha by 6am mine usually have breakfast because Zane is up stupidly early for work...
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