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Everything posted by Melly

  1. Good didn't want to leave but had to for a bday dinner waa
  2. PRETZEL!!!!! Twas good to meet Tim and see Antz and tony and Greg and colin... And pretzel...
  3. Oh no!!! Who else is coming still? Zane, Tim and I have just arrived
  4. I like where your heads at!
  5. Lol ants I work fri night no social life for meee
  6. I am quite looking forward to tomorrow! Cake... German stuff... Then a friends Bday... Good day all round... Possibly won't remember much after cake...
  7. Well not to myself but at least NO WORK! Excited, so so excited!
  8. About to go to z other work of mine...
  9. Vodka...? I like Vodka...! Yup, sure can do the same with skittles, you can do individual skilttle flavours or all in one flavour
  10. Yeah QLD can phase out rego stickers like the other states however can't figure out daylight savings...
  11. Hahah Emelie and I will enjoy our cake! I missed that one... Must have had too much sugar...
  12. hahahahaha!!! I go off an tangents at the best of times let alone when fuled with sugar, much like a small child...
  13. Haha ok cake it is!!! Haha if Zane reads this he will be thinking oh dear god Mel and a 3.5yr old on a sugar high...
  14. If it's a cool kid that's fine... Will feed it cake... And coffee... I mean what... I don't feed kids cake and coffee...
  15. Yay hopefully both, Zane will be at coffee too
  16. Before OF AND at OF? Or jsut before? Mmm coffee and cake!!! Welll... Mmm cake... lol
  17. Sounds like year 12 muckup day all over again... On another note to hell with today, bring on 4pm - At least I know at Hogs work tonight my night won't be ass wheras I woke up knowing today with be shithouse... Then, wait for it... TWO DAYS OFF!!! One spent having coffee, drinking and eating German everything and then dinner for a bday... Late due to german everything but at least I will show up... And Sunday I can attempt to chillax...
  18. LOL he let me book a venue so that's another step closer for him lol
  19. ^This is important... lol My requirement was double garage attached to house plus room for at least another double garage in the yard... Until we upgrade in which case it will be even bigger
  20. Connie needs to give you massages... But no happy endings, you is broken lol So will I - That is 3!!! DO IT!!! COME!!!
  21. Yep, NSW it always messed with me because of having to remember when it changed and if it was forward or back and if my phone automatically changed or not and up here it messes with me because I deal with NSW all the time!
  22. Either way... It's fkn stupid...
  23. Waa! Bad backs are shithouse, first farked mine when I was 11 and got thrown off a horse onto the crossbar of the jump, fked it numerous since and live on anti inflams and pain meds then so hopefully yours isn't too bad!
  24. Stupid NSW thinks it is 5pm when it's only 4pm here so therefore when I finish work everywhere in NSW is closed (i.e. Bank head office) so can't return their call
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