Fk financial advice most people would say I am a terrible person to discuss financial advise with but the way I see it I am a problem solver, something goes wrong I find a way to fix it, same with money. When shit hit the fan with my douche of an ex I had near on 65k of debt for shit we had that he kept (inc. 2 cars and a dirtbike plus c/card crap) 4 years later its down to 15 plus I have paid off an additional 15k cash in education expenses over the last two years on top of my hecs - Then people wonder why I work all the time and have no money. Debt sucks and the only debt I look forward to is a house, I learnt the hard way! But knowing I can pay all my shit plus save for a wedding, pay rent, groceries for two and all the house bills whilst the other half hordes money for a mortgage is well worth the amount I work! How do I do it? I am insanely organised to the point that I often freak myself out that I have forgot something but it is just that I am that organised...
However if I don't give a shit I am not organised at all...