Yeah, one of the guys at work gave me some pre-workout, not sure what it was but tasted amazing - It was orange flavour, anyway I was BOUNCING OFF WALLS for about 9hrs afterwards - Mental note for me to take half dose, I am spastically energetic as soon as I get a little bit of caffeine but I sure did an amazing workout with it!! I then had 3hrs sleep and was still pretty pumped the next morning but needed sugar, had 2 little raspberry licorice pieces (darrellea) and was fine, before that I had the jitters...
I do like Xtend tho the blue-rasberry, nom nom!! I have it during and after my workout.
I need to find a good protein shake, I have one atm just a cheapo natures way protein but doesn't have as much protein as it could (the michelle bridges no carb one)...
I've just realised it is the bulk nutriends pre-workout that I had