i found some wise words from turbonetics.com POWER:
• Think in horsepower not boost.
• Boost is just a number that you will have to run on your engine to make a certain horsepower.
• How much power do you want to make? Be realistic, the more accurate that you are, the better tuned your forced induction system will be.
• Can your vehicle (not just the engine, but the entire setup) handle such power?
• Remember the turbocharger is generally not the weakest link.
•Forged pistons, connecting rods, head studs, etc.
• “As much as possible” is not a goal.
i have and recommend turbonetics turbo chargers, prob a t3t4 or similar setup fo what you want..higher boost around 19psi, it would be recommended to forge the bottom end ect, but if your dollar concious you can get by with a copper or similar headgaskit, bigger fuel pump and injectors, a computer or retune/chip..full exhaust system, and of cause get the head checked out by a professional before reassembly, never hurts throwing in some new valve stem seals and gettni it checked over for peice of mind, but thats upto you... thats roughly a road ive taken before and turned out not to bad though i only ran upto 15psi, hope this helps, enjoy