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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. f**k that, it sure does. Bout to go up the coast to pick up my new front bar... tsunami? Hmmmmm........
  2. True where do you live? You can swing by mine and do it in my driveway if you want tonight?
  3. Hmmmmm thanks for that... yeah I just hate the feeling in the pit of my stomach right now So dumb hahahaha ah well What do you need sockets for? Removing crossover pipe + coilpack cover etc? Or are you without coilpack cover? If you're without then you just need a phillips head screw driver... although you've probably thought of that already hahaha
  4. Lend me your eyes, oh posse! I left work this afternoon, turned a corner (albeit somewhat sideways?) and went up the hill, never more than 65kmph... speed camera truck on opposite side of the road, on the side where traffic would be going downhill. It flashed as I was coming up to it Do you think its possible the guy inside set it off manually to get my plates etc? OR is it more likely someone going the other way was speeding at the same time? Which side of the road/which way do they face? EDIT: Yes, dumb, I know... shouldn't be doing stupid things.
  5. Just got John's video... damnit can't watch it at work lol
  6. probably not me... Seeing a girl friend tonight. ↲↲↲So how do you like my rb powered vax with vct? Definately feel it kick in around 2000
  7. Sweet... scored a S2 reo bar for $30... picking up at lunchtime YEOOWWW
  8. Ok I'm really really lost with all the talk of girls and licking themselves and what-not..... can someone PLEASE just send me some damn photos??
  9. You just made a friend You just lost one That.looks.f**king.sick.nuts. I am f**king going to apply!! Once I find out more...
  10. I'll come along to watch you all make fools of yourselves in the zorb..... and maybe rip some skids in the big field you go rolling down
  11. Just look on ebay or wherever, it's pretty easy to find splitfire or yellow jacket coil packs to replace your *insert car model here*
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