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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. A friend of mine was telling me just last night that the seal in his fuel pump was messed up, and that caused a fuel smell in the cabin. Might be working checking
  2. Someone buy my mates plates! "ZIN66" $450 negotiable-ish... I would but don't wanna spend the money at the moment lol
  3. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=171...2.3400005810..1 http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=587...2.3400005810..1 Dunno if either are your man..... doubt it actually
  5. Dude that sucks... When I went to uni I was mates with a guy who lived on the coast and he had to do that 5 days a week to come up here to QUT in the city. I didn't think I could do that hey.
  6. Lol I hate that feeling.... I mean, it's good that it's nearly there... but knowing there's so many things 'wrong' with your car just sucks hahaha. Cause basically, it all boils down to moneyyzz
  7. Yeah just damper adjustments, not height adjustable. But yeah I'm not so keen on adjustables, but the price is right, and they're nismo... definately a step up from stock.
  8. Yeah man I wouldn't like to raise it up much, if at all. Looks are more important to me in my finished product, because my car's never gonna see track work. And even if it does, so be it, I'll take the bad with the good. I was thinking that car was too high... I'm also therefore thinking I'll swap the springs and adjust the dampening to suit. Now I just gots to savvvveee.... FFFFUUUUUUU!!!!
  9. Andy, seeing as you've had some experience with them, maybe you could recommend some springs? Do you think King lows would go ok? My mate suggested just keeping the springs that are on there now, as they are 'set up' for them. What does that mean in terms of shocks? I thought it was a plug and play type of thing.... I think he means the dampening is set up for that height. But that's not a big deal if I lower it say another inch with my King Lows is it? Opinions? Confusion? Salad?
  10. Even gents. Jason I sent you a link on FB to clear up today's confusion lol..... this confusion is getting to be a 'thing'. I'm leaning towards the nismo shocks..... I wonder if putting my king springs on them would work ok. I'm unsure what springs he has on them now.... hmm...
  11. Hey guys, need opinions on ride height of this 33: Wanna get some new suspension as my stock shocks with king springs are getting on... it's a Nismo set in my mates grey 33 and he wants to sell..... see where I'm going with this?
  12. Supercrap and those places sell the silicone tube connectors to join all the piping together, or you can get it from online shops too. Search for R34 engine bays or something, there's so many pics and so much information available in teh interwebz these days.
  13. +1 But an R34 4 door turbo will still be fun for you, probably the most practical if you need to get a 4 door skyline. They definately have enough room even when full, so your baby seat and groceries in the back etc will be fine.
  14. There's a thread somewhere on here about spark plug type, gaps, and how often to change. If I remember correctly the R33 an R34 ones were different, but not very different.
  15. Afternoon all. Total amount of sleep since friday: 2.25 hrs Total amount of fun had: 11tybazillionnnnn The number of beers is also waaaaaay up there lol..... Mr Skins you thoroughly confused my friends on facebook lol Also..... Morgan..........................
  16. Can anyone help me out and confirm this as well? I'm looking at finding a S2 R33 front bar for my S1 but don't want to get new headlights, guards..... bonnet..... etc etc. So does a S2 front bar simply bolt up to a S1 without further modification?
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