Hey guys.
This is something that's doing my head in at the moment... I've read pages and pages of info from all the manual boost controller threads and how to run high boost mode all the time with the stock dual stage solenoid...
My car had a turbotech controller on when I bought it, running 10psi, all good. Just for learning experience, I removed that and set up the stock solenoid again but earthed it out so it ran 7psi all the time. Now even though it was less boost, I felt a BIG difference in low end response. It picked up and got going a lot quicker, but once it was moving... well you could feel there wasn't much top end power.
So I put it back to using the boost controller with no solenoid.
Now I've read in 2 or 3 places (but can't find the damn threads/web pages again!) that by plugging the return line to the intake (from the t-piece) it may change the richness. I can understand that, as air that was originally going to be bled off by the solenoid back to in front of the turbo, is no longer there, and has just been bled off by the boost controller.
I now have an R32 actuator in and I tried hooking up all the lines to the solenoid again to bleed off another 2psi and get 11-12psi..... but it won't go over 10psi, and still feels a bit slow down low. I've checked all the vacuum lines and replaced all of the ones in that area (intercooler->actuator/solenoid/return line) with new 4mm hose. Would the diameter of the hose make ANY difference at all?
I have no 'restrictor' in the lines anywhere, which there apparently is from stock.
Can anyone help explain whether this is an actual phenomenon or whether I'm just imagining this, and maybe shed some light on how I can get rid of the sluggishness? Other than 'put back to stock' or 'ecu + tune'... because I've felt it run well before with the gear I have.
Thanks for your help!