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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. Well I'd guess that the wiring in the actual headlight assembly might be bad, or have some questionable sections...... when you fiddled with it to replace the bulb you've probably knocked it into a position that doesn't allow for a good electrical connection. Fiddle with the wires and work out how they should be sitting so that there's power.... and maybe cut some new wire in? Or tape it in that position.
  2. I can't think of a reason to cut a knock sensor... I would probably try getting new sensors, or if possible, try and diagnose the condition of the current ones (if there is a way). Leaving your negative off for 48 hours is doing exactly the same thing as dc-ing your battery and applying the brake - it means that there's no charge left in the battery at all, so there's no point doing that if you've already done the brake thing.
  3. If you're going to the trouble of doing the head gasket and plan on keeping the car for some time, I would go the best damn gasket you can go with. Simply because you don't want to have to open her up again, if it can be avoided. Having said that I doubt you'll need a metal head gasket unless you're gonna do some upgrading to internals and add a bigger turbo. I'd say most skylines with similar bolt-on mods (like yours and mine) wouldn't need a metal one...... I could be wrong though.
  4. Woooooooo its back! I'm feeling surprisingly perky today! Happy new year and all that to everyone
  5. Hey buddy.... Yep mine was the same thing, I've gone through 3 relays (all second hand so I can't argue), they can range from $50-125ish depending on the wrecker and how well you know them lol If you cut open that black box and use your finger to press the metal switches inside it, you'll find you can wind the window up/down whenever you want, so I took the circuit board out of the box, and routed the cable up through the switch panel (as a temporary fix) so that it was hanging down, and I could just press the metal switch to open or close the window. It was like that for a couple of days as I couldn't get to the wreckers for a while. Just be careful of sparks
  6. Hey all, thanks for the replies. It's not the rocker cover gasket, that's been changed since I"ve had it and all is still clean around there. It's definately got the look/feel of engine oil so yeah. Might need a new clutch sometime in the next 12 months so I might leave it until then, and get it done at the same time... i should just keep monitoring my engine oil level in the meantime yeah?
  7. Thanks for that Vish!
  8. I haven't noticed any fluids going down, no. My power steering has a small leak but that's leaking from the reservoir, plus this doesn't look like power steering fluid. It seems to have the consistancy and colour of engine oil.
  9. Hi all, being a total noob to all things body related I found it quite difficult to figure out where the front bar comes undone in order to pull it off. There were lots of great explanations but I couldn't be sure without a picture, so I just thought I'd put one up here if anyone else has the same issue. Before doing this, the usual disclaimer applies about having the car properly supported before getting underneath it. Have a look at the picture, then read the below descriptions. GREEN: Firstly, remove the front grille completely. Underneath are a couple of bolts that hold the bar on. In my case, it was held to my front mount intercooler, but I guess this would still be attached to something even if a FMIC is not present. BLUE: Peel back/remove the crappy plastic splash guard above the wheel, and you'll be able to see 2 bolts/screws holding the bar UP onto the guard. It's easy if you lie on your back looking upwards. RED: The reo bar / reinforcement bar goes across the front of the car and sits in behind the front bar. We're going to remove it along with the front bumper... It's secured to the rest of the car by two bolts (maked with X). Disconnect the indicators on both sides, then undo these on both sides and the whole reo bar + front bar should slide forward easily.
  10. Hey all, got under my car today to look at my clutch slave and remove front bar, noticed this oily leak around where the gearbox attaches at the front, anyone able to give me a hand identifying what this might be? Could this be the rear main seal I've heard so much about? Thanks.
  11. Any normal mechanic could do it. And now onto my news... got a 2t tradequip trolley for xmas... so I've spent this arvo taking my front bar off hahahaha (first time ever) god damnit... took me a while to figure out how the reo bar comes out.... D'OH And now the sanding begins...
  12. It's your AAC valve. It's at the back of the head on the driver's side, it'll be full of gunk. Take it off, clean it with carby cleaner and a wire brush and you'll see a whole crapload of black stuff come out, let it dry, and stick it back on. You might want to then reset your ECU once this is done, to relearn with the new 'setup'. There's a link in my signature for exactly how to do all of this.
  13. God damn politics
  14. Sooooo........ The road's wet. Rear wheel drive turbocharged car is sitting in driveway. I can see this being a problem ahahahah
  15. do it do it do it do it do ittttt
  16. The petrol sniffers are turning to crack now it's cheaper than petrol!
  17. Isn't that thing with the yellow jacket over it, the boost pressure sender for the factory boost gauge?
  18. As above.... why was the other massive thread closed?
  19. Thanks very much for that guys
  20. Sweet.. what went wrong? Always the case though isn't it
  21. You should probably just do the obvious thing, take the filter out and dry it off, remove the box from the piping and tip the water out, leave it sit in the sun for a while etc. As for the TB... I guess try a similar thing but it might be more difficult. Maybe leave the bonnet popped with the car in the sun. Not sure if that'll be much help but it's where I'd start. Failing that, grab your 'dumb asian GFs' hairdryer and an extension lead and try and evaporate the water.
  22. Yeah I downloaded it instead
  23. If anyone else has one, please PM me!
  24. Are you guys sure it's the head and not just the rocker cover?
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