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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. Hey all, I'm having a bit of a problem understanding what others have done, I have the clicking noise and have taken the relay out.. If I press manually on the contacts, the window goes up/down no problems. If I just try and use the switch to go down, it won't do it. Previous poster 'benno013' said a contacts file later and all good... can anyone tell me what that means? Maybe I'm just being really dumb here haha. Thanks for any help guys.
  2. Wait wait, back up..... the bnr meet's over? What's all this about skids/cops?? I read back through 6 pages then thought I cbf... someone explain it for me please?
  3. PM'ed
  4. Clicky here for link
  5. Troy it's really very easy to do yourself so if you haven't already called your mechanic, don't worry... just pull it off when you get the car back
  6. Howdy again mate, I changed my sparkies about 2 weeks ago. Used BKR6ES 11's I'm quite sure, gapped them down to 0.90mm using a proper spark plug feeler gauge - only like $9 from supercrap. Very easy, very accurate. Just do it Just put some paper towel or something on top of the hard surface you put the plug on to prevent scratching.
  7. Twist harder... mine comes off exactly like that. Unscrew it anti-clockwise.
  8. Great tutorial, just did mine. I will add that I used a Z200 and it fit in the bracket fine. Previous owner put a Z202 (The one to use for a Z32) in there, it just pushed the bracket open a little further but not so far that it permanently damaged it or anything. It seems it was last changed in 2006... so I hope this helps to richen up my ratio cause I'm running lean according to Conzult. Will post back with any more info.
  9. +1 +1 +1 This guy is right on the money. The heater hose and AAC clean are both easy to do and all up with running around might take half of your saturday. The coilpacks (taking out, inspecting, and taping/siliconing together) would take the rest of your saturday hahaha. A day well spent I'd say.
  10. Oh yeah tristo btw you can call me whatever the hell you like, just don't start ACTUALLY calling ME moist hahahaha. But most of the ladies feel the same way you do around meeeee Not sure about thurs night now, don't have a whole bunch of fuel (I.e. my light's on!) but I'll see if I can avoid eating until payday (saturday) hahahahahaha. I'll keep you guys posted.
  11. Man just to bring up that malaysian ferrar-ty, I was there last year back before I had my skizza and we were in a taxi from KL to the airport, doing about 90kmh... and this 34 GTR just went FLYING past - I mean absolutely FLYING. Started talking to the cab driver about it and he said it wouldn't be uncommon if he was doing about 240/250kmh... he told me about some race track that was apparently quite close to where we were, and said there's always imports going up and down that stretch of road, racing each other and being general hoons. Thing is though, cops rarely bug them and the general population (according to the cabbie) LOVES seeing these shenannigans! *Sigh*
  12. MUMMMMMMMMMMY MAKE THE BAD MEN STOP!! *sits in corner covering ears*
  13. How much does this kind of thing cost? I don't have the slightest idea.
  14. Someone buy some new wheels. Then give them to me. Plz?
  15. Hahaha ok, no worries... won't be buying them then! I didn't think that difference of 5 in the offset would make a huge difference? Is that a mesurement in millimetres or what?
  16. Oooooh ok... thanks heaps for that guys. Let's say I got these wheels, they'd sit inside the guards... and they'd probably scrape at my calipers etc?
  17. Hi all, I'm having some trouble working out which wheels would fit/clear/sit inside my guards. I've found a set of wheels in my budget that are 18 x 7.5 with +45 offset. The most offset I've seen people talk about on R33 GTST's is around 38... my question is would +45 sit a bit outside? Or realistically is that difference barely noticeable?
  18. Depending on things like spare time, fuel (see: MONEY haha) and what else is happening thurs night.... but yeah I'm hoping to swing by again man. Take a sticker with you just in case What dealership is that?
  19. Sell more and buy more hektik car crap! And which part Tristan? The stickers part? Yeah, I think everyone should get one... I wanted one for ages but I'm too cheap to join the SAU QLD club hahaha
  20. Hahahahaha yeah man maybe just bring it next week and I'll come get some more DISCOUNTED ice cream
  21. Check the link in my sig EDIT: Just had another look, doesn't have RB20det in there but you get a good idea from it. Your pressure seems a bit low, but I'd get a sandwich plate on your oil filter and run an aftermarket oil pressure guage from it before you start freaking out, just in case.
  22. I've always been told that it's illegal, in any car/van etc.
  23. *waits for pigeon pictures*
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