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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. I love looking at shock absorbers... In a sincere, non-suss way. Think it's cause I spent so long looking at mine when I ripped the coilovers out hahahahaha.... ahh smooooooooooooth
  2. You guys managed to fill my hotmail account with something like 150 emails with new updates from the last 4 hours or so from this thread cause I didn't set it to NOT email me EVERY SINGLE UPDATE!! EPIC LOLLLL
  3. Ehhhhhhhh......... drank that chocolate milk way too fast..... paying the price for it now
  4. Ok thanks John... so going through carwash is still ok though? Just means getting out and hand drying after? Or should I do the bucket/car lovers manual clean?
  5. Oh yeah how's everyone's cars?? Still haven't washed mine, I was told if I wash it I should dry it straight after with a chamoi (spelling?) otherwise the fine dust that's left on my car + water might eat/scrape my paint. No idea how true that is or if the dude from the post office was just speaking out his ass!
  6. Damn you guys make this shit move fast hahahaha..... god is it 5pm yet?? GONNA GO GET CHOCOLATE MILK HELLLLLLLLLZ YEHH
  7. Yeah it does sound good... I don't have any knowledge of them or anything but am also keen to hear people's opinions.
  8. For me it was just a trial-and-error thing, and my problem was accompanied by a high pitched squealing noise - like releasing the air from a balloon while pinching the opening so I could roughly tell the location in my engine bay. You might be able to find it by getting the car nice and warm (take note if you can get the car to only get to 0.6 bar ONLY when warm), let it idle, open the bonnet and see if you can hear any hissing or sucking noises. Play with your throttle and see if you can get some 'leaking' noises to happen as well and take note of where they come from. Common places would be from intercooler piping clamps being loose - I undid and took off/put back on all the clamps I could see in the upper area of my engine bay as a precaution. I then replaced much of the vacuum hosing going around the place - it's all pretty old by now and I figured it wouldn't hurt it any, and it's piss easy to do yourself. Also check your air intake piping too. Small splits or hairline cracks in any of these three places could give you leaks. Good luck man, let us know how you go.
  9. Might sound like an incredibly simple thing, but it could be loose clamp/hose fittings etc. To me, what you've described is once the car is warmer, some boost pressure is leaking a little... which I've been told is more likely to happen when the air is warmer as it can sneak through smaller gaps. Not sure how true that is, but it did happen on my stock BOV on my 33 GTST. Gasket wasn't sitting properly and had a tiny, TINY gap, so I was loosing pressure through that, but only once the car was at normal warm temperature.
  10. +1 AAC/IACV clean. Pretty easy to do with a basic toolkit, even if you're not mechanically minded. Link is in my sig. Saved me a lot of headaches!
  11. It sounds like it'd be the timer, or at very least be something to do with the wires going to the timer/ignition etc. Make sure you haven't pulled something out/loose with all the fiddling, if you get me.
  12. Haha! I just did this today and it turns out I have splitfires! Awesome!
  13. Hey guys, just thought I'd share what I've found, and don't believe I found it earlier. There's another thread in this section that's been updated very recently, discussing the exact same thing. Not sure why I didn't see it before! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ch...;hl=base+timing
  14. Oooh ok. Thanks for the info, I was thinking that was the case... but is that true that I can't use software to read my base timing? How do I find out my base timing then? As far as changing my base timing, am I right that I have to physically get in there with a timing light and compare with the notches etc? Or is there a way to simply do it through software?
  15. Hey mate, like Joe suggested have a good read through the forced induction section, and try searching for some specific phrases like 'safe boost'. I'm assuming you're using an electronic boost controller, so you can set a low boost level, and a high boost level? I'd have low boost set to 5-7 and high boost about 10. I run 9.5-10 constant on mine, just to be safe. But like everyone will say, about 11-12 is considered the highest you'd want to push a stock turbo frequently.
  16. Hi guys. Just started using my ECUtalk cable and some of the software... have sussed out a few things already. I'm more curious about my timing. I know timing is meant to be 15 BTDC on my R33 GTST S1.... have a look at the picture (from calumsult) and see if you can tell me why my timing is going all over the place? I know it's a bit of a vague question, but any tips would be appreciated. I did search, but just got more confused by different opinions, so I thought I'd post my pic and have advice that's relevant to my situation. Thanks for any help! Ravi
  17. Esc, thanks for uploading that document.
  18. +1 see my sig for guide for rb25det. from memory i think its similar to rb20 but dont quote me on it
  19. Black cylinder is carbon canister as already mentioned. There should be 2 hoses going to the top round 'cap' looking thing, and one that goes from the side that heads down somewhere and joins on to a metal pipe next to the radiator. The silver round 'hole' (about 3 inches across or close) is part of your air intake, basically there should be an airbox/pod filter connected onto that spot. It looks like it already has the AFM on there? But I could be wrong.
  20. Going along the same lines of Consult, the ECUtalk cable/display does it too
  21. Is there an easy way to get it out? I had a look and don't think I could see a way that didn't involve removing a lot of stuff first?
  22. I would use only high octane, but I'm not sure if this applies to N/A skizzas as well.
  23. That's great mate... glad you got it sorted! I love this site!
  24. Some people run VTA bovs (like your SSQ) with stock ECU and never have a problem, while other's will stall all the time, backfire etc etc. I think some people try resetting their ecu after installing a VTA bov, dunno how much it really helps though.
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