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Everything posted by mosquitocoils

  1. Good stuff mate
  2. In for page 1500 In other news, I just found out you can do this on SAU: This and this and one of these in this order
  3. Exactly - bad dubstep is bad. Good dubstep well... I'll upload a dubstep remix my friend and i worked on. Link coming soon. Get ready to lol. Duuuuuuuuude don't start about Zillmere - my dad has a house there and I house-sat for a month over xmas. Being woken up more than 50% of nights by groups of howling f**kwits at 2am? Seriously? In this day and age? It's ridiculous how living at Wavell Heights, like 7 minutes away, makes such a difference. I'm quite happy to walk around here at night, leave my laser unlocked on the street etc. I wouldn't even look through a window outside at Zillmere at night.
  4. Oh man it's wrong how that one guy has so much talent!
  5. Not sure if it's of any help, but I recently swapped my turbo. Put it all back together including intake, disconnected the CAS and cranked a few times (to build some oil pressure - it's debateable whether this is needed or not, but nonetheless I did it), then reconnected the CAS and started it up. Wouldn't idle properly at all due to loose intercooler hose, so I fixed that up and started her up again. Idled smoothly but shot up to 2.5k and slowwwly dropped over about 5 minutes to normal cold start idle. Like I said, not sure if there's anything in what I did, that's related to what you did, but hey there's my info - hope it helps.
  6. f**k Browns Plains, don't diss dubstep! From a production standpoint, it's intricate. From a fan's point of view, the lower and phatter the sounds are - the more extreme it is. It's hell fun to dance to. There's a video of me shuffling to some dub on facebook from about a week ago lol. It's like the metal of dance music. Also, to anyone who doesn't like dubstep, your favourite band sucks, and a monkey raped your mother last Tuesday.
  7. Yeah QLD's definately copping it lately.... yayyyyyyyy 2011........ Mmmm sausage *waits for Martin*
  8. This pleases me...... and it's ok, I don't even know what shifter you're talking about hahahaha I DO love the sound of those old v dubs.... but I also love the sound of a V8 hahahahaha Excellent...... congrats on the head lotus thing! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm head lotus Morning all Jason you might wanna be careful posting stuff like that on a public forum
  9. If i get this I'd either sell the laser, or use the f100 exclusive for our band gear. Yeah I figured it would just need a basic tune up... the only issue would be the gas system, know nothing about them and couldn't fix it myself. Having said that, if she runs ok on petrol I could just run it like that until I get the gas fixed...hmmm..
  10. A SET of allens keys is like $5... and you definately will use them in the future...
  11. Evening chaps! Anyone know much about old ford F100s? Something around 1975-1980 era. Might be looking at buying a beaten up old one for a decent price....... V8 dual fuel... has a slight missfire, checking it out next weekend hopefully but if anyone has any experience with the old ford V8s it'd help.
  12. Hahaha epic Pulled all the intake off today... took off and did up the bolts holding the turbo + dump pipe on....... Can't be arsed putting it all back together just yet lol
  13. Yeah I try and keep them as short as needed so that's good.... how about thicker/thinner? Any advantage?
  14. Probably a dumb dumb question but one I've never known the answer to Does the diameter or length of vacuum hose make a difference? Specifically in this case intercooler piping nipple -> actuator?
  15. I've got 3 - an R32, R33 and R34 - all have had the same issue
  16. Correct... Although I can still hear a squealing leak under boost
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