Hi Dan I can agree with most things Jay has said other than the cost of living because I haven't lived in Sydney and I also don't work in IT.
I moved over here from Adelaide with my parents and brothers and sister 10 years ago now and I haven't looked back. Tassie is an awesome place it definitely has its positives and negatives but for me the good far outweigh the bad.
I don't work in the same field as you guys but since I've been here I've had no trouble finding work. I've worked at a salmon hatchery, Assistant manager at a BWS, done a vehicle painting apprenticeship and now work for Jim's mowing. I think Tassie has some great opportunities out there and I also think it's Australia's best kept secret. Whenever I go back to Adelaide I enjoy seeing family but I could never live there again. Here life is so laid back everything is close and your surrounded by some of the worlds most beautiful scenery.
As far as East vs West coast I'd say they are both as great as each other but for totally different reasons. Where the east coast has some lovely long beaches and is warm and sunny and makes you happy the west coast is rugged and dramatic and makes you want to drink stout by the fire while watching the thunder and lightning. If your here for 2 weeks I'd recommend doing both. If your here for 1 I'd recommend choosing one part of Tassie and having a really good look around that part then do another part next time.
Also realestate is very cheap down here. Well affordable compared to the mainland. And the sun will kill you. Because of the angle of the sun you get absolutely fryed in about 8 minutes in summer and I'm talking 3rd degree burns and in winter even if it is sunny you don't get the vitamin D fom the sun because of the angle of it so you can get a case of SAD as Jay mentioned. But if your smart with your sunscreen (I'm pale too but work outdoors everyday) you can avoid having a hard time just don't get tricked even when it's cloudy.