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Everything posted by boostd_r32_gurl

  1. sorry to bring an older thread up again, just curious to see if people were still looking to organise a social.?? this thread was dead. BB out
  2. went last night, was fair average. they didnt seem to have many interesting live shows..i thougth it woulda been pole dancing/stripper haven...Hrmmmffff.... have fun to all who go over the w/end. BB out
  3. we are just about to head to japan, and I found a decent hotel in central osaka with own kitchen and bathroom for 80$ per night, split between 2 people. $40 each. Ill let u know how it went.
  4. exactly..u get defected by cop (1 defect label) take through regency with a new list of things (second label) then return on your second time thorugh the pits and u pass...
  5. if gauges and suspension is mainly things u got done for, take them off, and u can leave your intercooler on. As long as its secured they are not illegal..I just took my car thruogh regency 3 times to get off defect, they were absolute assholes, but intercooler they said nothing bout. Unfortunately, even if buying from car yard, i didnt think that defectable items such as gauges etc would have been under warranty....becasue you were buying the vehicle with those mods and they were visible to you at the time of purchase? Goodluck with it though Just take the car through regency pay the 75$ and get the list of things to clear up...after that fix those things on the list and go through again..Then the second time thet arnt allowed to add new items on the list... Not a biggy BB out
  6. heya, minta 34.

    Might see u round, Much luv BB

  7. just passn by to say heelo from SA. Xox

  8. it would be great even to have it on a weeknight as oppose to weekend... for those in hospitality that cater for diners on w/ends..never make socials or crusies.!! BB
  9. RWC doesnt apply in South Australia..As far as Im aware of. Also as far as buying it interstate. When you bring the car into SA all you need to do is get the VIN number checked at regency or if your more than 50kms from there, a local cop shop and then you simply change over rego...Just try make sure the acar isnt moddded to much when going through regency or you will probably end up with a defect as well. Good luck.. Beki
  10. the cover letter is the most important part of the application. It is where your potential employer uses the cover letters to distinguish between the crap and the good applicants. Your aim is to tell them why they should continue to read your resume over others. If your cover letter is a good one then you will most prolli get chosen to go ahead further. Like L3nny states above, you dont want to ramble on irrelevant points. The main aim is to focus on the requirements that are proposed in the advert. Stick to highlight those aims and make it intersting, dont babble..you dont want to bore them.....Lastly, make sure you have flow and is not rushed as though an employer can deffinately tell between a well thought letter and a rushed one. Good Luck. BB
  11. Sometimes it can be bad fuel that was put in your tank, as though this happened to us..We always use bp 98 and it starting knockn high again, so we adjusted the timing on the power fc..if u got one you could just so that, otherwise, just give them a bell and let him know, he might b able to lead u in the right direction b4 you being to feel disapointed.
  12. U running the same fuel? from when u tuned it to now?? octane boost FTW!
  13. We are going to a christining at 1pm. However, we would like to meet up, if I may have a PM of the organisers to call after we are finished to meet up that would be great. Thanks, BB
  14. spotted VANGE's 33 at the workshop...Does that thing ever hit the road, everytime i see it, its always at the workshop..lol along with my s13... also spotted mint R34 4 door in stirling, gave it a wave..Very stylish... -Beki-
  15. Chlin out on the beach in the sun, BBQ's, SCUBA diving (those that have deecent sized boats should organise a weeknd to go out fishing/scuba diving), travelling interstate/overseas...Oh and drinkn with my close mates becoming a Marine Biologist (last year)..And lastly obviously tormenting my patience over the Car!!
  16. Goodluck buddy! Ive heard soo much crap about people telling me coilovers were legal through regency!...I didnt think they were unless they were welded to stock heght or above! Mines going through today for the 3rd time! Make sure everything is smick! But i guess the main thing is..You got your list..So just fix everything on it...as they dont tend to check on other stuff other than the list the second time! (generally speaking) Keep us informed BB also- jump to super cheap..they have rear eye level brake lights that connect to your cig lighter for 12$...save u a bit of cash
  17. what u have in mind as to where and when? Day/night... what about black/white line.. what effects are you looking for? *B*
  18. Spottd ya on sheps rd just then on the way home from work..(12am) and also watched a nice silver 32 doing laps asking for trouble in front of the defect station at teh bay, FINALLY got pulled over and yerp canary!
  19. hrmm..I failed regency yesterday for defect..had 7 inspectors looking over the car..DO NOT go in on a friday arvo!!!! you wont pass..they have a emmisions testing booth being stup as wel speak...And they also picked out that i had a AM ECU :S really odd...Since they didnt evn look?? Anyway Gl with it..I went through with 2 way..dunoo that they liked it clunking on the way out..but too bad i got out b4 they put that on the list as well. If anyone happens to have a recheck appointment at regency b4 NY that they dont need. PLEASE PM me Thanks, Bek
  20. give boostworx a quick buzz, they might have somthing there
  21. stansbury would be nice, they have some pretty good dive sights near edithburgh...For all the SCUBA divers out there, can maybe do a few dives as well How are dates looking at this stage, and has anything sort of begun to be organised or stil in discussion? Beki
  22. loooking to go this thursday night, fri and sat nights seem to b the most packed with families. Have fun and hope your little ones enjoy it beki
  23. No we are using the stock illuminum lights. Still look the goods, Will get lunaticr32 to upload some pics just so u get the look. Thanks, beki
  24. bellevue heights here
  25. we fitted some white gauge dials for the skyline that we bought off ebay, fit great but alot of fiddling around, now our speedo needle is out a little.
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