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Everything posted by boostd_r32_gurl

  1. refer to post in ns.com http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/forum_p...?TID=32679&PN=1 LUNATICR32/RAP187 :boobies2:
  2. edited: sorry, im too stupid to read the rules!
  3. our is the same but not inside jus loooked at it today and the fluid dropped...Dunno?? hrmmm must be r32 thing.... GHEY!!!
  4. hahahahh thank god we went through to mt barker half way on our own roads heheh they were wild....heheh sounded better then the official...erica u snob!
  5. mine is 29th march.... heeh matt mines b4 urs....Nuhhhhhh hehehhe
  6. how much to get it to adelaide? is there still time for one?
  7. can u Pm me the route please, so i know where i can meet up after dinner please...Thanks mitsichik
  8. hhaha thanks erica. no im planning to go out too hheeheh..But yea i planning a massive 21st so i dont see a point in 18th..21 is when i finish honours and double degree..Hehee so will be phat..Prollli see u tonight then hun BBout
  9. so how long is the cruise? I will be available prolli after 9pm will it be finished by then or is this a decent long cruise where we can join up half way.....As for Steve: Yes we need like a decent skylines clubo!! heehheee BB out
  10. i got a dinner at 7pm for my birthday so im gonna have to contact someone after we finish there to meet up with this cruise !!!!! I accidently put a thread in the wasteland 4 my birthday...Its here, anyone can reply...Please doooo Im thinkin of a nice long whoop whoop cruise through hills and beyond..."Cleanse the cars" http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=36435 BB out :wavey:
  11. my birthdays on the 29th..but of this month which makes it this monday So yea....hrmmm wanted to also make one for that with decent cars Nightcrawler: Richmond whoop crows bumm..heheh at telstra dome :devfu:
  12. Ello...Hrmmm has anyone organised a nice long full tank cruise for fri night by any chance? Would be good going on one where some competition and decent people stand....hehehe feel free to reply..thanks BBout :wavey:
  13. WE gad a r34 turbo(i think, came wiv car) on it but recently blew up, otherwise we wern't complaining either...I say go for the HKS 2530...
  14. Would be great...im also in the process to organising a cruise for my 18th...so might have to move mine to followin weekend...But im sure we wouldnt mind comin that weekend to get a cruise goin to birdwood..Sounds good PM me for deff details and maps...BB out!
  15. i would have to agree with cheeky not many places left where people no anything about skylines..We know, bcuz we jus spent $$$$ for no reason, after we were told that we should spend the $$ from ceratin places, not mentioning names.and the car still isnt running the way its ment too...We came and left soonish. in the white r32 with blue plates..Was good from what we saw tho....
  16. mine in my car is stuffed,is yours complete? would u take $50
  17. Any body know of any agents or outlets direct. for a fuel cut defender 4 a Rb20det r32? If so plzzz advice where I can get one without being ripped off. thnks heaps. :wassup:
  18. Thanks guys, i got em..matt sorry i didnt get back to you earlier i was asleep, and ended up gettin them the next day..Thanks champ
  19. Need to borrow or buy sum cheap rear struts, for a r32 gtst...Any help offered please email to boostd_r32_gurl@hotmail.com. I need them as mine are getting rebuilt and I need the car to drive around in the mean time...Estimated time to borrow is about 2-3 weeks! Thanks :Oops:
  20. Hey guys, I have a spoiler 4 sale looks like the GT-R spolier. Anywayz its dimensions are: 146cm wide 16.5 cm thick 250mm high from boot Drill Holes dimensions: either 26 60 and 115 cm. Looks nice Um I'm looking for 300 A. Barn selling same spoiler 4 $500 N e way PM aiight Peace, btw how was da midnight cruize??SOz i was at a house warming! ! ! :uh-huh: :uh-huh:
  21. GUYS WASSUP NUVA YEAR< NUVA AUTOSALON>>> SO whos going to Sydney this year to chek out da final battle? Wass da verdict on it all...What happen this year at adelaides auto there was only half as many cars..Ppl we gotta get rid of these cops....Arhhhhh... to "protect and serve" ma ass....U in..o yesh i signed da petition btw...Thanks miss nismo.U tell em gurl!!! Peace Out All... :burnout: :shake: :shake: :shake:
  22. LoL thanks guys, um listen n e got n e insurance news for me because im on the line here..And the importer is waiting for my call..O thanks for the comment "steve" iss all good jus dun disrespect me on tha road. N/Ar if i tell u what car im bringing in well its not a scret n e more. But you'll probly see me round as soon as it gets here "hopefully by end of 3months" Anyway have fun guys, n e cruises or meet ups please keep me posted. Boostd_r32_gurl
  23. Dat sux, at least youll get it back soon. Dun worry so much thank god wasnt da intacoola. O btw guys, its off a lil but can some1 please tell me what insurance company will want to insure me cuz im unda 25 with a turbo (soon to get r32 secret) and m stuk 4 insurance, dats da only fing holding me back. N e ideas im listening...fanks and hope da 200 is kool.
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