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Everything posted by Calsonic14U

  1. No all good. Its just if the general public dont know about this possible cause then they will continue to possibly have problems. Im not angry at nissan i can understand their point of view (i worked at toyota for 2 and a half years). But the point im trying to make is just be careful. And yes ive had customers fill diesels with petrol in our rental commuter buses and have charged them for the repairs lol. If the cars ECU is programed to work out mixtures based on a 0% ethanol level it may get confused by the 10% ethanol reading and log a fault code as the mixture is outside the set parameters of the sensor. Also the most common fault code I get is that the O2 sensor has found a lean mixture and aventualy this constant lean mix causes the O2 sensor to fail. Also I have herd from some tuners that if running E-Flex or E-85 (yes its a lot different) the o2 sensors currently on the market from bocsh and NGK still havent fully been developed to cope with E-10 to E85. Thus needing to have the sensor replaced almost every 6 months. The leaner mixture is caused by the ethanol content causing the fuel to burn more efficiently and the stock ECU can not adjust injector pulse accordingly enough to feed the engine enough fuel to stop it leaning out. its not a dangerous level of leaning out and most cars will run normally without any drama, but enough to log an engine fault code.
  2. Hello fellow SAU'ers. I am a mechanic in a privately owned rent a car shop in western Sydney. My boss recently purchased a 2012 Nissan Micra. Now the car is a rental yes, and our customers when re fueling always put E-10 unleaded in because of the obvious reason that it is cheaper. Now lately ive had a really bad run of not just this car but a lot of my 4 cylinder hiace vans logging the engine fault light. When i scan with my computer it tells me every time that an O2 sensor is faulty. You can clear the code and will come back on within a few hours of driving. Now most new cars these days on the inside of the fuel cap state that they are "E-10" Suitable. In this case the micra does not have this sticker inside the petrol flap. Doesnt stop our customers obviously. Truth is not all cars are E-10 suitable. Premature failure of the 02 sensors is very common yet when the government and petrol stations talk about it this problem is easily overlooked. The problem is Nissan when contacted are not covering this type of problem under the new car warranty. I service all the cars as per book as a licensed workshop this does not void warrenty at all. Nissans reason for not covering warranty was the fact that E-10 could have been used and has caused the 02 sensor to fail. The car runs poorly, cutting out, stalling and for a vehicle with only 20,000km on it you would expect even with E-10 the o2 sensor would last a lot longer than this. Considering the hiace vans with the lights comming on are at 100,000km plus before logging the code. For the part alone is around $130 dollars trade and obviously i will fit it so no labour charge. But for an average Joe who goes to the dealership i would estimate they would charge around $400 to fix this problem. I know no one here would run E-10 in a skyline but this was more to inform you for family or friends who are looking at new cars maybe just to double check when buying to make sure that in the event of somethng like this happening you have warrenty. And that the car is definately E-10 suitable. The petrol companies say E-10 is perfectly fine to run in Most cars. So please be careful next time you go fill up your little run about. Regards, The angry mechanic that no one ever listens to when i rant about how crap E-10 is. Extra Info - http://www.fcai.com.au/environment/can-my-vehicle-operate-on-ethanol-blend-petrol-
  3. yah look how fun it is
  4. All good Bozman i couldnt get time off this time but am looking to bring the 32 out more often so now i know ill try get to the next one. Thanks again Never driven at wakefield so eager to get out there and have a go.
  5. Where were you 12 months ago hahaha. i looked everywhere and managed to get a 2 white R34 Nur and a 32 Vspec lol
  6. Hey mate i have a workshop in blacktown not far from hills if you wanna short drive. Im the only mechanic and personally work on all cars. Love my imports. If your interested we can change the engine oil and filter with fully synthetic oil (or supply your own) for only $130 bucks. Shoot me a pm if your interested and can go from there
  7. And the pack of A holes at 7 didnt show the podium. What a joke!
  8. Thats why i stick to BP ultimate 98. stuff the green thumb prius driving pansies.
  9. Concrete walls are far enough away from the track not to hit them. Unfortunately a very nice 32 GTR hit the wall turn 1 south circuit 2nd lap of the day last year. But that was justan unfortunate case of overdriving the car on cold tires.
  10. Think there is a caltex on the highway at giraween that sells it just past fox hills golf club if your heading to the city. But that could be the one your talking about. Its unfortunate.
  11. Go call Adam at JEM. Its a bit of a hike but Matt Gtt from the forums is a Newcastle boy im pretty sure and travels due to the quallity of work. Just google them or watch this video to get an idea If you email him he can also give you great advise and may know someone closer to yourself that can build the head you are looking for
  12. LS3 conversion?? RB26/30 big single
  13. Cant wait till the SMSP track day.done the last 2 its my favourite event for the year. Improved by 2 seconds last year. Will aim to have coilovers and semi slicks on the 32 this time round and try get closer to the 1:10s
  14. Quick question my 32 is unregistered but has half roll cage track only interior ect. would I require a CAMS log book to do these track school days or not? have done 2 SMSP days with SAU with it but thats a club run event. Cheers.
  15. Can i come to, ill even wear my shirt that says awesome
  16. Um yah ive done the SAU track day the last 2 years with the 32 And CRSKmD not very hard when you know the right people
  17. Wheres it at mate? And yah i probably will be haha. Whos running it? And is it cams or club license. Cause i think if its a CAMS run even i might need log books which i dont have
  18. Remind me if i ever co drive to wear an adult nappy damn! Favourite quote of the co driver - "COLD TIRES COLD TIRES!' and "BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE!" Looks like a great layout. I would love to enter my 32 next time round. Well done Big man!
  19. Yah possitive, it just seemed like it wasnt getting bumped up once you post in the thread. Either way all good now haha
  20. Will take the side pipe off the race car and fit the rear exit one. Have my hands on a free trailer and tow car again so should be right to do this event. Still also hold a valid club racing license so ill be all set. Probably see you all there.
  21. Hi guys and girls. Just curious, im wondering if there is a new thread for SAU NSW events that i dont know about. Im trying to find the next texi date and when i look into the events part of the forum all i find is old posts from last year. I know its there somwhere as Eric had linked it on Facebook. But when i go back to find it i can not find. Any help apreciated. Cheers.
  22. Wow that was an anti climax if ive ever seen one
  23. Cheers. Well as it sits in my workshop for 11 out of 12 months a year i figure since no one wants to buy it i may as well register it. that way i can drive it more than once a year. Also most of the track days here in sydney are only 20min from my workshop so instead of putting her on a trailer i can just drive there. Also when mods are done i can test drive it on the road. When i first finnished her the first shake down she had was at eastern creek. I was just lucky it all went well lol.
  24. Well well well. The Ninja gets one stem closer to rego. Installed the Hazard switch. Charged the battery. flicked on the ignition and kill switch. Hit the indicator button and bam flash flash flash of the front blinkers Then i had the tricky task of locating the 2 in 100 wires that flash for the rear blinkers as im not running the factory rear harnes. Managed to find it quickly at the big square grey plug that the factory harnes would normally plug into. Connected and bam all 4 blinkers working. So a small victory now just need to get a blue slip. and then register it. Park it in the workshop for a month so my blue slip bloke doesnt get in shit if i get pulled over as i can say i built the car after it had rego
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