I am once again after some tough Jap rims in good condition. With the way the Yen is at the moment its been a nightmare trying to find suitable wheels in the sizes i'm after for a good price. I need to find a set asap
Sizes i'm after is 17x9 (front) and 17X10 (rear). 18's are also fine depending on price and 1?x9.5 and 1?x10.5 will also be considered.
Wanting something along the lines of TE-37's, VSK-f's, GT-C's, GT-N, SSR Professors, SA-70TT's, TC-105N, etc...
Would really love some 17x9.5 +12 Volk TE37's in Bronze. I've got a set of Volk TE37's 17x9 +18 powdercoated gunmetal grey with tyres if anyone is keen on a swap or outright buy.
Would prefer tyres, although not necessary...