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Everything posted by ~Hypnotik~

  1. Don't be weak, roll the guards and fit some 17x9 +0 offset on the front with 215/40 tyres, will look phat!
  2. ^^^ Yes, their work is very good!! They specialize in this type of work on these sort of cars too (Silvia's, Skylines, etc). If I were to get any guard work (which won't be too far down the track) this is the only place i'd go to!
  3. I'm sure Primal Garage would be able to help you out. They're just around the corner from Dr Drift's workshop.
  4. But dude, its not flush... Back wheels maybe almost, but the fronts are far from flush!!
  5. ^^^ 215 on an 8"rim isn't stretched at all!!! 195 is about as low as you could go before you start pushing it, but i personally wouldn't want to run a tyre that small anyway. I'm running a 205/50/16 on my 8" rims and it only looks a little bit stretched...
  6. Its not necessarily going to f**k up his guards, but the chances are there that it may happen. S13 guards don't always dent when flaring by more than 10mm, i've seen some flared 30mm with no dent! R34NRG- What are the widths and offset's of the rims?
  7. Mate don't go bolt on flares, those wheels will fit perfectly after flaring the back guards. What width are those rims? 9" or 10"? Couldn't make out in the photo if those tyres are 225/45/17's or 235/45/17's. You could also stretch those tyres a little bit more for more clearence, 225's if they're 235's or 215's if 225's.
  8. Dude, coloured tyres do not make coloured smoke, they still make white smoke! The tyres that have been mentioned that make colour smoke have some additional product/substance in them to produce coloured smoke, and are mega expensive, something along the lines of $1000 per tyre!
  9. Would look heaps better with some 215 tyres all around and maybe a light flaring on the rear. 2GCeffy: You said you're going for a "hardcore Jap look"?? Well, if you want to pull this look off right don't be weak on those offsets!! Plus you said you're getting the car resprayed so guard mods aren't a problem? Roll and flare those guards, get some 17X9 or 18X9 front with +10 offset and 18x10 rears with approx +12 offset! Run 215's on the front, 235's on the rear and you will have a true Jap look!! Will look awesome! Chose weak offsets and your car will just look like your average povo Aussie special...
  10. Don't be weak, roll and flare those guards and put some decent sized offsets/widths on there!! 18X9 front +10, 18x10 rear between +5 and +12. 215 tyres on the front and 235's on the back. Will look MEGA phat
  11. Although most people usually say the opposite, when i fitted my rear strut brace to my S13 I found it made a heap more difference than the front one. The rear felt heaps tighter and the car felt a lot better when cornering fast. I'm pretty sure both my braces are from Justjap.
  12. 'The 10k fine for bypassing a cat or not using a cat is bullshit. You'll simply get defected and be sent away to get the car inspected. The 10k fine is for WORKSHOPS if found not fitting cats to cars. I've been defected for not running a cat and all I had to do was bolt one on and it was fine.
  13. Hate to tell you buddy, but a 225 on a 8" rims won't be even CLOSE to being stretched, it will still be bulging. I've got a 205/50 on my 16x8 Volk rim and it barely looks stretched. If you put a 215 on the rear rims you won't need to flare the guards, maybe just a light roll
  14. Yeah, those Tempe tyre rims are cheap rubbish that comes in crap widths and offsets. No way would I use them on any decent Nissan, save them for the Honda and Commonwhore boys
  15. Sounds like a hose clamp is missing maybe?
  16. If you would like to speak to a workshop about rolling/lipping guards, fitting low offset wheels, fitting kits and respray work, contact Primal Garage. They're located in Brooklyn, just down the road from Dr Drift's workshop. But as other people have said, you need to post more info. If I were you I'd probably just get the guards lipped and flaired, you'll be able to fit at LEAST a 10" wide rim on the rear with +12 offset and 9" on the front with 0 offset, not too sure how wild you can go with a R34 Skyline.
  17. Hey, try Origin. I know they make carbon fibre door trims for S13's and S14's ($600 each), not sure about R32's. Contact D1 Garage in SA...
  18. Good to see that you've "seen the light" and decided not to go with the Tempe Tyre wheels. You'll be thanking yourself for getting the Volks in the future and will be disgusted at yourself for even thinking about the 7" wide wheels!! Make sure you post pics when you get them too!!! Would be good if you took pics like the ones I posted, ie. wheel on car before the guard is flared, then an after pic of wheel on and guard flared.
  19. Yes, these wheels will fit on a lipped AND flared R33. Remember, you'll need to get the guards flared also, not just lipped. I doubt you'll be able to fit 10" wheels on the front, that would be pushing it a bit, 9.5" would be possible though. 11" on the rear may be possible, but i would just stick with the the 10" rear and 9" front, thats still a pretty decent width. And yes, lower offset (+11 front, +5 rear) will fit. If you want to speak to someone who has a workshop that specializes in Nissan guard flaring to fit big wheels, email Neil (xris5@iprimus.com.au) from Primal Garage. He'll be able to answer all your questions, and be able to confirm if you'll be able to fit 11" wheels on the back. Here's a few pics showing of a 10" wheel with +5 offset fitted onto a 180sx, with wheel fitted before guard is flared and pics after flaring with wheel on. Looks phat!
  20. ^^^ There's tons of places that can roll and lip guards, if you do a search in the ACT or NSW forums here you'll find a workshop capable of doing this... Usually costs about $50 per guard.
  21. ^^^^ If you went these sizes and offsets in 18", these will fit well WITH LIPPING AND FLARING of the guards. Since you plan on to get the car resprayed, this won't be a problem. Will cost no more than $200 to get the whole car done. These sizes will fit on a S13 no problem IF guards are rolled and lipped, so wouldn't have a problem fitting on a R33 which I assume would have more room under the guards than a S13. On my S13 I've got 8" wide rims on the front with +10 offset and guards are NOT rolled or lipped, this fits fine with 205 tyres.... What state are you in? If in Vic I know a workshop who specialize in this sort of work who will help you out.
  22. Here's a couple of pics for you, a car with bad offset, and a car with GOOD offset. I hope Neil doesn't mind me posting pics of his car (don't worry, he's knows the offset is bad in this pic!) Red S15 has good offset, Orange 180sx has bad offset. Look how much better the red S15's wheels fill the guards, looks so much better!
  23. The offset of a wheel is the distance from its hub mounting surface to the centerline of the wheel. The offset can be one of three types. Offset is measured in mm (ie, +25, -20) Zero Offset The hub mounting surface is even with the centerline of the wheel. Positive The hub mounting surface is toward the front or wheel side of the wheel. Positive offset wheels are generally found on front wheel drive cars and newer rear drive cars. Negative The hub mounting surface is toward the back or brake side of the wheels centerline. "Deep dish" wheels are typically a negative offset. When you 18x9, or 17x10, the first number is not offset. Its the diameter of the wheel and the second number is the width. Depending on the rims you buy, you mightn't be able to ask for any offset you like. Especially with rims you'll find in Australian tyre stores, they will more than likely only come in poor offsets, such as +37 or +40, thereabouts. Depending on the width of rim you decide on, in most cases it is best to get the lowest possible offset possible, ie a 18x9 rim might come in +40, +34, +28, +15, +10. If I were you with an R33, I would go for the +10 or maybe +15. This will easily fit on the front with the guards rolled and lipped if you don't put too big a tyre on it, no bigger than say a 225. If for some reason you decided on a smaller width rim such as 18x8 (don't be weak!), you'll be able to get away with a 0 offset or even negative offset (such as -10) If you still have any questions ask away...
  24. The majority of the wheels you'll find at Tempe tyres or your average local tyre store are utter shit. Heavy wheels that come in pathetic widths and offsets. Jap wheels are so much better in every way. You'll be able to get lightweight wheels therefore giving you less unsprung weight, giving you better acceleration. With Jap wheels when buying new, you can order in almost any width and offset you want with some brands. If buying second hand look around and you'll find good widths and offsets. Good offset can make or break the look of the car, so look around for something good. If you said you're getting a new paint job, it won't be a hassle to roll and lip the guards to fit some nice sized rims under there. I'd be looking for some 9" front with offset between 0 and +20, and rear 10" rims with offset around the +15 mark or so. With some gold Volk's or Work rims in those sizes your car will look PHAT!
  25. If you've got wide rear quarters I would definitely be going either wider rims or a lower offset. You'll easily fit 10" rims with +19 on stock guards if lipped and rolled.
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