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About fane

  • Birthday 23/01/1983

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  1. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/this-hoons-not-the-smartest-tool-in-shed/story-e6frg143-1226413509119
  2. are you serious dan? haha
  3. "A Bellevue man died last night after the car he was driving split in two after slamming into a tree in Gidgegannup. Insp. Trevor Davis said the 23-year-old lost control of the Nissan Skyline he was driving on Toodyay Road near Roland Road about 10pm . He said that after rounding a bend, the car slid for more than 70 metres before hitting a tree on the driver's side. "The impact was so severe that the vehicle split in two, the front end coming to rest 16 metres past the impact point," Insp. Davis said. The man died at the scene. It is believed speed was a factor." http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/break...split-in-crash/
  4. car ripped in 2 means a good chance of doing something wrong but that doesnt take away from the fact that it is still sad. most of us including myself went through that stage, luckily most of us come out the other end - but i lost a mate on the way so news stories like this make me cringe
  5. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-au...u-1225819107886 Heard on the radio that it was a Skyline and the car was completely split in 2.
  6. http://motapojke.mybrute.com this makes me giggle so much - my dood somehow got a big bone from somewhere
  7. im in for this aswell
  8. I cant stand keyboard heros like the ones commenting on perthnow... make my bloodboil. this brings back memories of ash RIP Cory - i didnt know you but it is indeed another sad day
  9. "Wtf....everyone jumps on the P Plater/Hoon bandwagon? It was a fkn skyline not a commodore. The thing you people don't realise is those with import vehicles have allot of love and pride for our cars. Any 'crazy driving' is done on the track. It's quite a common theme that 'hooning' is not condoned in the imports scene. Young Commodore drivers have a different view and have different influences than those with imports, hence where the burnouts and 'hooning' originated. There's been no specific information on the accident so before everyoen starts speculating, how about show a little fkn consideration and sympathy for those who have lost a love one, and such a young life to loose." it made it mel yours made it too bubba
  10. RIP
  11. indoor beach vball and i used to gym alot but havent for about 6months now so i have shrunk haha
  12. sweet thanks for moving... back on topic... WHO LOVES FILLED GUARDS!@?
  13. dan, kym, someone can you move it to wasteland or something please - bit rushed at work but i wanted to show everyone - should have taken more notice
  14. yeh just realised HAHA
  15. dont mind the dirty car its wash car day tommorow
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