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About s13nist

  • Birthday 21/12/1983

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  1. nah dude but its called GTR casing it has a bright blue display on it
  2. Amd 2700+ 1 gig DDR ram gforce 128 mb GPU 8x pioneer DVD burner 52x24x52 cdr 200 gig HDD 17 inch moniter 56k modem 700 dollers PErth
  3. there are pics at www.geocities.com/sr20est but the boost controle and turbo timer were stolen
  4. dude u over your storage limit
  5. oh and sounds stupid but if any one is intrested like to swap it for a r33 non turbo auto or turbo but has to be auto
  6. yeah dude 1992 modal sr20det
  7. oh and its turbo 5 speed man for pics drop me a email [email protected]
  8. I must sell my silvia for i want a R34 :wavey: its got a few mods full body kit GT wing Apexi coil overs, Apexi N1 3 inch Turbo back, neet little gash on the bumper not noticeable asking for $13,500 Perth P.S this is to get a skyline ok
  9. jeeez you are one accidental person dont worry, heres a close to death story that will make skyline owners quiver few of us guys were just out and about on a midnight drift when one guy was in a dodgy magna and pulled the hand brake putting his car side ways on a straight road not look out for the R33 travelling at 160 right behind him it was 1 inch and i swear only 1 inch from a fatal accident...scarrry shit i was shakking in my shoes after watching that
  10. My funniest was forgetting to drop the hand brake on a drift and put my car into a box Curb at 130 kph
  11. yes because i also have a s13 ok but i spent to much to put it into a tree while drifting
  12. oh yeah one more thing i am not trying to compete with this website infact this site is one of the best info sites there are so please im not trying to advertise just think we can make a page just on perth cruises and cars
  13. IRC Channels blow man so many loosers on irc if you guys intrested i can create a webpage with a online chat give me word post some pics and i can create a web page
  14. AE 86 is a japenes legand dont get me wrong i would give my left testicle to drive a R33 but i cant and i have a little levin so please 86 drivers speak up
  15. There is a silver rx8 driving around Wilson area and some idiot with a series 1 rx7 driving around with rx8 badges one word liiiiooooooooosssserrrr
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