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Everything posted by GTR R35

  1. Is that the one in pittwater rd ? If so we were there last year when nick and carlo had the mr2's Great feed, but if we have more than 8 we will need to book early.
  2. My CAMS license turned up today, and I have the day off. I am not sure if I will be going on the track as I want to save my tyres for the drift day on the 21st, but I will be there to watch/help
  3. I had fun Richard:cheers: I am in (so long as the baby has arrived) and I am not fussed on the venue. The Willoughby Hotel was a good feed, so may be someone can suggest a place like that with variety, it does not have to be a restaraunt. Suggestions ?
  4. I think ANT is referring to the Air Flow Meter It measures the air and then lets the computer (ECU) decide how much fuel to inject. As I do not know much about skylines, I will put the problem back to the experts.
  5. 2GU, Are you saying that you have been pulled over for doing nothing ? All I can say is that cops have better things to do than harrass people for nothing, usually they are doing something or have in the past and you are a good target. Your cars license plates are most likely on the COPS system, as know to police and has warnings about abuse of police, etc. If you want to give cops grief (deserved or not) they do not forget. If you get a dickhead cop, it can be 100x worse for you as they may have an axe to grind with "the lebs" and will search, abuse and give you grief even if you did nothing to deserve it. Police deserve our respect as they have the worse job in the world dealing with all aspects of the public. Having smart mouth people abusing them is not good for our community as it will erode our respect for their authority and will end in either a police state or anarchy. Do not blame the police for your troubles, blame yourself and your peoples public lack of respect to police for the harrassment you are getting. The only way it will end is when the Lebs are seen to be better citizens and not criminals.
  6. :flamed: I would bet that if you are a ANYONE driving a stock car in a normal way, you would not be hasseled by cops. If you have a milo tin exhaust, 5000w of sub woofas and gather in the carpark of Macca's and cause trouble you are asking to be harrassed. Be it Leb, Asian or skippy, you can be picked on, its just that minorities stick in groups and are more easily targeted. If you do not want the police attention, do not attract it. :flamed:
  7. I am a bit disapointed that we will only have 4 for the dinner. Oh well we will still have fun, will be my wifes last dinner for a little while:gaga:
  8. The car looks great:wassup: Have a safe and fun run down in Tassie. I saw the Spirit of Tas yesterday and I thought of you guys.
  9. Sorry mate, so its just 3 so far ?
  10. Thanks ApleX, I will be a busy few months. So I guess the Willoughby wins as there seems to only be myself and Richard interested in dinner this month. Come on people, lets keep the tradition, we always have fun and good food. Nick, Tosh, Carlo, Duncan, Andrew, renta crowd lets get together and E A T.
  11. If we do the Willoughby, we can arrange a private room upstairs if we want. We will need to book if we have large numbers (more than 8) as tables can be hard to get due to being a popular place. This should be the last SAU dinner my wife will be attending due to the immenient arrival of my son in the next few weeks:)
  12. I like the steak and they have Stella on tap:wassup:
  13. How about we go to the Willoughby Hotel ? Its local, the food is great, its cheap and there is B E E R The parking is ok and the area is safe We need to think out of the Steak/Pizza/Jap square and go somewhere that has a bigger variety
  14. I do not care so long as its the north shore of Sidonee
  15. I am shocked that no one has posted up about the monthly dinner (I bet its in the member section:mad: ) Is anyone interested in dinner this month ?
  16. Duncan, Are you suggesting that we should not consider the private practice day ? I have not been to one since Amaroo Park days in the 80's, and back then I had a real Sports Sedan. I want to take the car out for a good run and spend the rest of the day chatting and watching the other cars go for runs. What type of safety requirements do they have ? Is there anything we need to know before we arrange and pay for this day ? Thanks
  17. I hope that the dinner crew turn up, will be a blast:cheers: I just hope my CAMS license comes through in time. I am keen even just to see what else is there. I have not been to private practice at EC before, is it just the normal wrist to ankles and helmet ?
  18. I will be at EC for some practice So will Drunken and Richard be there ?
  19. Double Post
  20. You would be OK. If the cop has a mobile (car) unit he must pull you over. If you were not pulled over, you are ok. I was doing 90 in a 70 zone last week, the cop with his radar coming the other way flashed his highbeam at me. I waved to say thanks, slowed to the speed limit and he kept going. It could have been a expensive lapse. Not all cops are bad. Count yourself lucky
  21. The reason the service was sh!t was because it was "Training nite". Normally there would be a staff shortage that gave us bad service, but last nite we were apprenticised. But we do not got there for the service.....mmmm...lazy aged:wassup:
  22. Great dinner people. As always a great nite with good company and great steak....mmmm....lazy aged sirloin:wassup:
  23. count me in for 2 R+R...Steak...mmmm:wassup:
  24. My Ford drifts well for a stock Turbo, I also cannot understand the narrow minded comments like: "Drifting should only be for Jap cars" Any car can be made to drift, and the more cars competing in Drift events brings more events/spectators and money into the sport. This is a good thing. I have been a diehard track racer for the past 17 years and only discovered Drifting last year (Thanks Fatz) and I love it. Also every sport has bogans, I am sure there are ricers and bogans at every V8 supercar or drift event, so its best not to generalise and use it as a lame excuse for a flawed opinion.
  25. Weird to be having an event on Easter Sunday. I may have a day pass.......sounds like a good thing
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