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Everything posted by GTR R35

  1. And I bet he compalins about being pulled over by the cops all the time......and cant understand why:whip: That car should be mated with a car crusher ASAP Edit: ITS SOLD......I wonder if blind freddy got his license:spcow:
  2. mmmm Steak :wassup: I have been to R+R about 10x in Manly and 5x in Gordon in the past 3 years. I agree with Andrew, they are a top steak house....but they are expensive, not BYO, service is average (in Manly) and the parking sux at both locations. I have only been to LCR SH twice and they were what I would expect for the price. They are not unreal, but the food and service is good. If I had my choice we would be always going to Thai Orchid....cheap and tasty with great parking:wassup:
  3. Steak is fine, just ribs and rumps in manly is a biatch to park and is $50 per head. That Thai was very yummy :wassup:
  4. Driving to the Ranch in Nth Ryde, when my wife spotted Merli (Andrew) on Boundary road in the BMW, said g'day
  5. Yep made by Autech with V spec GTR bits, cost about $55k here is you can find one
  6. It'was as great dinner, and I think one of the largest turnouts. We need to start to plan next months dinner as it will be the thrusday before Easter. Also, no more posting the dinners in the members section......well atleast until someone tells me where to get the form so I can join:confused:
  7. Wow I will be able to drink this time as I will have my nominated driver with me:cheers: C u all at 7:30 for some drinko
  8. Thanks guys, Yep its 4door + 1 very pregenant wife:headspin:
  9. I was just told that we have a "Family" function on the 27th............:kick: I am sorry Pete, I cannot make this one:rant:
  10. Meh....I do not care, but as usual it is getting close. The thai is about $20-25 per head (no booze), and I think last time R+R was $60 with only a couple of drinks of booze. There must be another Steak place, I know the Woowich pier hotel has great steaks and beer and is in Hunters Hill, so Parking is fine. There is also the North Sydney Hotel (across from nth syd oval), Mosman Rowers and North Sydney leagues club. We should try a new place each month. Makes for better eating.
  11. R n' R in Manly is expensive and the parking sucks. We also had steak in Lane Cove at the end of last year. I am voting for the Thai:wassup:
  12. Newtown sucks for parking and vandals..... The reason we generally eat on the northside is because most of the people are from the northshore that attend the monthly dinners. How about we go to the Thai that we went to near 5 dock, Kel and Duncan suggested it....it was cheap and is still the best Thai I have ever eaten. I am easy on where we eat, I just hope there will be more than the december dinner.....
  13. Ribs'n Rumps in Gordon is easier to park than Manly. I'm In, can someone do a calander up for this most prestegious event.
  14. Kel, Any news on the pics ????? I am hoping for more of the silver beast.......pleeeeezzzzz
  15. We all worship the smoke god :burnout: ll hail the smoke god
  16. In as well....EMAIL sent
  17. Thanks for the pics, there were heaps of the big ford showing the goods:wassup:
  18. Anything that obstructs or obscures the numberplate is illegal. No matter what state you live in. The numberplate frames that block the plate from an angle is just asking to be be busted. Parking police will notice it when they are doing their rounds and they can write you a ticket and report you. I have used the photo blocker spray and it DOES NOT WORK. I took before and after pics with my digital camera and it was the same. I think the new numberplates (in NSW) have a coating that does not make these products effective.
  19. Adam, Do not fight it yourself, MAKE your insurance comapny fight them. This is what you pay the premiums for, they are your agent and should go into bat for you. Insutrance comapnies are lazy and want you to do all the work, when in fact its their job to chace the money. GEt some quotes from Tempe Tyres on rims you like and send them a quote to replace all the wheels. Also make sure you include the cost for new tryes as well as they may be damaged. Do not get mad.....GET EVEN
  20. Babylon, I am pretty sure under consumer law, you must give the panel beater the opportunity to make goo dht erepairs that you are not satisfied with. It sounds like you have done this 3x. Now there is one of 2 things happening here: Either you are too picky and cannot be satisfied or The job done is crap and they cannot get it right. I would suggest that you get a 2nd and 3rd opinion on the work done, get it in writing from another panel beater. Armed with this info, go back to the origional place and ask them what they want to do about it. If they do not give you a satifactory response, pay to get it fixed by another place. Then you can sue the panel beater who messed up the work. The Dpt. of Fair Trading should give you similar advice. You can also contact the Motor Trade Association (MTA) and make a formal complaint about the workshop. Do not give up, if you paid you hard earned for a propper job and did not get it, do not just rollover and accept it. Kick some butt :kick:
  21. If anyone got any pics of the Silver Falcon drifting, I would be happy if you can let me know. Thanks
  22. Unlike most of the cars there, I did not want to have any warranty issues later on. Car makers and insurance companies often have spy's at the track days taking happy snaps for use later on. Who said Ford's cant Drift......I had the best track day ever.....Pete, when is the next one :wassup:
  23. Pete, Thank you for a AWSOME day's driving. It was well managed and pleanty of track time for all. I missed saying goodby as you were sending more tyres to the smoke gods, but I wanted to T H A N K S Mal
  24. All ready to go. If anyone has a decent trolly jack it would be good. Mine is only a cheapo, but I have the compressor, rattle gun and tyre inflator ready. Cya in the morning.....one more sleep:wassup:
  25. There is not much to hit at oran park as there will only be drifting into turns 1,2 & 3. The idea of a track day is to take your road car to 9 / 10th, not 10/10th's as I have seen that and it only ends in tears. Is there any confiirmation on the tyre machine ? If not we should call the nearby tyre shop and warn them, we need quick rubber changes.....and lots of them
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